
Workforce Development Solicitations for Proposals

Find current solicitations for proposals (SFP), past grant award lists, and project summaries, related to California workforce development organized by the Program Year (PY) they were funded or are expected to be funded.

For more information about the Stevens Amendment, visit the Federal Funding Disclosure webpage.

Program Year 2024–25

The Employment Development Department, in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), announces the availability of up to $1.7 million in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Governor’s Discretionary Funds for the Opportunity Young Adult Evaluation and Technical Assistance grant for Program Year 2024-25 (OYA ETA PY 24-25) SFP. The OYA ETA PY 24-25 awardee will provide evaluation and technical assistance (ETA) for the Opportunity Young Adult Career Pathway Program (OYACPP), for PY 23-24 and PY 24-25 program awardees as they successfully implement and develop programs that connect with apprenticeship programs, pre-apprenticeship programs, and community college and adult school programs with evidence of success for opportunity young adults ages 18-28 who are facing significant employment barriers.

Accordingly, this grant will also fund the assessment and analysis, staff development, community of practice (CoP), consultation, and development of partnerships with mainstream services to test, demonstrate, and evaluate strategies to improve employment outcomes and reduce persistent economic inequities for OYAs ages 18-28. The ETA provider will create a learning community, foster connectivity among program awardees, share best practices, and assist program awardees with program development and implementation for employment and career advancement opportunities, in sectors such as Public, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, and Health, and allow awardees to make a case for consideration of other sectors that will improve regional economic workforce outcomes and equity.

An informational webinar will be held at 10 a.m. PT on October 30, 2024.  Pre-registration is required for all attendees. Please register through the link provided in the SFP by 9 a.m. PT on October 22, 2024.

Proposals must be received by 3 p.m. PT on November 15, 2024.

This OYA ETA PY 24-25 is funded by a grant award totaling $1.7 million (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.

The Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), announces the availability of up to $25 million in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Governor’s Discretionary Funds for the Opportunity Young Adult Career Pathway Program (OYACPP) PY 24-25 SFP.

The OYACPP PY 24-25 grants will support projects aimed at creating pathways to success for opportunity young adults (OYA) aged 18-28. These projects will test and demonstrate strategies to improve employment outcomes and reduce long-standing economic inequities for OYA. The program will help participants access good-quality jobs that offer family-sustaining wages, benefits, predictable hours, career advancement, and worker voice.

Additionally, projects will invest in wrap-around services and support, including comprehensive case management delivered through a trauma-informed approach, to enhance program completion, employment outcomes, and career advancement opportunities.

Proposal applications must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. on November 4, 2024. For more information, refer to the SFP.

An Informational Webinar is scheduled for October 8, 2024, at 1 p.m. PT. Pre-registration is required for all participants. Please register through the Webinar Registration page by October 8, 2024, by 9:00 a.m. PT. In addition to the Informational Webinar, an Office Hours session will be held on October 16, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. PT. Please register through the Office Hours Registration page.

The Employment Development Department (EDD) in coordination with the California Department of Rehabilitation, on behalf of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), announces the availability of up to $1.5 million from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Governor’s Discretionary Disability Access, Equity, and Inclusion (DAEI) Technical Assistance (TA) and Developmental Evaluation (DE) for PY 24-25 SFP grant.

These funds will be used to increase access, equity, and inclusion of people with disabilities in WIOA Title I and other workforce development programming, and to improve employment outcomes for this target population by providing necessary guidance and support to pilot awardees in their development of successful DAEI programs. The TA and DE awardee will be responsible for creating and sustaining a larger collaborative community centered upon the integrated service delivery model and the goals and objectives of the DAEI pilot. This includes facilitating connectivity among pilot awardees, assisting with coordinating local and regional connectivity to develop grantee networks, developing successful strategies, sharing best practices, and identifying and addressing challenges as they occur throughout the life of the grant.

An informational webinar will be held on September 17, 2024, at 1 p.m. PT. Pre-registration is required for all attendees. Please register by September 17, 2024, by noon PT.

Proposals must be received by 3 p.m. PT on October 8, 2024.

This DAEI TA and DE for PY 24-25 is funded by a grant award totaling $1.5 million (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.

On August 21, 2024, the Employment Development Department (EDD) awarded $100,000 from the Wagner-Peyser 10 Percent Governor’s Discretionary Fund for the Campesino de California Outreach Grant – Radio Media (CCOG-RM) PY 24-25. The awarded organization will develop and implement radio talk shows aimed at reaching domestic and foreign migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFW) and their families to provide timely information regarding various programs, benefits, and services offered through EDD and their partners.

On August 22, 2024, the Employment Development Department (EDD) allocated $2,699,960 from the Wagner-Peyser 10 percent Governor’s Discretionary funds to support five organizations. These funds are dedicated to enhancing employment services for deaf and hard of hearing individuals across select America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC) locations throughout California.

The program aims to provide effective communication and expand service opportunities for DHH community. Services include specialized counseling, interpretive services, job placement, follow-up support services, advocacy, and tailored employment services to assist individuals in achieving job readiness. The overall goal is to support DHH individuals in securing and maintaining unsubsidized employment opportunities. Additionally, interpretive services will be available ensure access to other EDD-related services.

Program Year 2023–24

On May 17, 2024, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded $962,701.50 from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Governor’s Discretionary Fund for the Farmworkers Advancement Program (FAP) Technical Assistance (TA) and Developmental Evaluation (DE) for PY 23-24. The core aim of this funding is to address the needs of farmworkers by providing ongoing coaching and consultation, offering targeted technical assistance, and building a collaborative community of practice for ongoing learning and continuous improvement for FAP program awardees.

On October 22, 2024, the Employment Development Department, in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, awarded $999,764.76 from the State of California’s General Funds to one organization for the Displaced Oil and Gas Workers Fund (DOGWF) Program Evaluation and Technical Assistance SFP for PY 23-24. The core aim of this funding is to address the needs of displaced workers in the oil and gas sector by providing ongoing coaching and consultation, offering targeted technical assistance, and building a collaborative community of practice for ongoing learning and continuous improvement for DOGWF program awardees.

On May 17, 2024, the Employment Development Department, in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, awarded $17,698,313.88 in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Governor’s discretionary funds under the Opportunity Young Adult (OYA) Career Pathway Program PY 23-24 SFP. These grant funds will be used by awardees to design and implement projects that create pathways to success for OYA. The implemented projects will test and demonstrate program strategies to improve employment outcomes and reduce persistent economic inequities for OYA 18-28 years of age.

On February 5, 2024, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded $1 million from the State of California’s General Funds to one organization for the English Language Learner (ELL) Integrated Education and Training (IET) Fund Technical Assistance (TA) and Developmental Evaluation (DE) PY 22-23 SFP. The core aim of this funding is to increase equity and improve outcomes for adult ELLs facing significant barriers to employment and education by providing necessary guidance and support to the ELL IET Fund PY 22-23 program awardee in their development of successful ELL IET programs. The awardee will also conduct an evaluation that summarizes lessons learned and makes recommendations for future successful ELL IET projects across the state.

On February 6, 2024, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded twelve grants totaling $8,996,417.62 in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Governor’s discretionary funds under the Farmworkers Advancement Program (FAP) PY 23-24 SFP. The FAP PY 23-24 grant funds will be used by awardees to research, design, and implement projects that focus exclusively on farmworker needs at a regional level by offering essential skills and upskilling training to either advance in the agricultural industry and/or prepare for advancement outside of the agricultural sector.

On February 2, 2024, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded $26,766,810.50 from the State of California General Funds to four organizations under the Displaced Oil and Gas Workers Fund (DOGWF) PY 23-24 SFP. The award funds will be used to address the needs of displaced workers in the oil and gas sector. The core aim of this funding is to pioneer initiatives that guide displaced Oil and Gas workers into new jobs and career trajectories by transitioning workers into sectors that match their skills and expertise and offer comparable wages. The program is designed to extend beyond singular sectors, with a commitment to securing stable, well-compensated, and gratifying roles for these workers across diverse industries.

On January 18, 2024, the Employment Development Department awarded $100,000 of Wagner-Peyser Act 10 Percent Discretionary Funds to La Cooperativa Campesina de California under the Campesino de California Outreach Grant – Radio Media Program for Program Year 2023-24. These funds will support providing Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFW) and their families with relevant, timely information regarding the various programs and services offered through the EDD and its partners through 16 semi-monthly, 30-minute hosted radio talk shows for the MSFW population in Spanish during PY 23-24. Project descriptions, award amount, and contact information are listed in the links below. Award decisions are final.

On October 20, 2023, the Employment Development Department (EDD) awarded $2.65 million to five organizations from the Wagner-Peyser 10 percent Governor’s Discretionary funds for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program Year 2023-24. These funds support organizations with the expertise to support deaf and hard of hearing individuals through enhanced services and training in select America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) locations throughout California. The program aims to provide effective communication and increased service opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing individuals through specialized counseling, interpretive services, job placement, follow-up services and advocacy, and specialized training to assist them in becoming job ready. The program is designed to assist job-ready deaf and hard of hearing individuals in obtaining and retaining unsubsidized employment. The program also intends that interpretive services be provided to enable these individuals to receive other EDD-related services.

Federal Funding Disclosure: This Deaf and Hard of Hearing SFP is funded by a grant award totaling $2.65 million (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.

The grant solicitation for the CERF Tribal Funding Opportunity Intermediary PY 2023-24 funding opportunity has closed, and no award will be made under this solicitation. The Employment Development Department, on behalf of the Interagency Leadership Team, issued a Request for Proposal through Cal eProcure, which closed its application period on April 3, 2024.

Program Year 2022-23

On July 3, 2023, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded $17.97 million from the State of California General Fund for the solicitation for proposals for the English Language Learner Integrated Education and Training (ELL IET) Fund Program Year 2022-23 (PY 22-23) grant program. The ELL IET Fund PY 22-23 grants were awarded to eight organizations to design, develop, and implement projects that expand Integrated Education and Training (IET) course offerings across the state and accelerate employment and re-employment strategies for English Language Learners. The awardees will serve the English Language Learners population sector, a group that often faces significant barriers to employment. The grant’s funding will combine demand-driven training and education with tailored wrap-around services for 3,534 workers currently confronting economic and employment barriers.

On August 25, 2023, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded $4 million from the State of California General Funds to one organization under the Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Program (FJAP) PY 22-23 SFP. The awarded funds will be used to expand and develop apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships that recruit, train, and employ firefighters and paramedics prioritizing the inclusion of young adults who come from a disadvantaged or underrepresented background. The program is designed to increase the number of EMS Corp program graduates, or other individuals in local communities, enter a firefighter apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship training program.

The grant solicitation for the RESEA CRTA PY 2022-23 funding opportunity closed and no award will be made under this solicitation. The Employment Development Department will issue a Request for Proposal through Cal eProcure.

On June 21, 2023, $1.4 million of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s Discretionary funds were awarded to one organization under the solicitation for proposals for the Employment Social Enterprise (ESE) Technical Assistance (TA) grant for PY 22-23. The funds awarded will provide TA to the Employment Social Enterprise PY 22-23 awardees to assist in the continued development and refinement of the ESE projects that accelerate employment strategies for populations experiencing significant barriers to employment.

Federal Funding Disclosure: This Employment Social Enterprise Grant Program is funded by a grant award totaling $1,400,000 (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.

On June 21, 2023, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded seven grants totaling $9,927,164 million of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s discretionary funds under the Employment Social Enterprise (ESE) Program Year (PY) 22-23 grant program solicitation for proposals. The awarded funds will support the design and implementation of projects that accelerate equity in employment through good-quality jobs and the development of innovative employment strategies for populations facing significant employment barriers by developing career pathways for them.

Federal Funding Disclosure: This Employment Social Enterprise Grant Program is funded by a grant award totaling $10,000,000 (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.

On May 25, 2023, $39,348,710.71 million of the Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF), from the General State Funds, were awarded to 8 organizations under the Economic Development Pilot (EDP) Program for PY 20-23 SFP. Funding decisions are final.

On March 28, 2023, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded $7,934,375 from the State of California General Funds to one organization under the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Intermediary Program Year 2022-2023 SFP. The awarded funds will be used to develop, implement, and support the operations of up to 10 pilot EMS training programs. The ultimate goal of these programs is to provide good quality jobs and careers to participants and increase the number of qualified emergency medical technicians in local healthcare economies.

On March 22, 2023, $1.6 million of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s Discretionary funds were awarded to one organization under the solicitation for proposals for the Equity Target Population Fund (ETPF) Technical Assistance (TA) grant for Program Year 2022-23. The funds awarded will provide TA to the Equity and Special Populations (ESP) PY 21-22 and the ETPF PY 22-23 awardees in designing, developing, and implementing projects that provide training and education with employment and support services to under-served job seekers facing significant employment barriers.

Federal Funding Disclosure: The Equity Target Population Fund Technical Assistance Grant Program is funded by a grant award totaling $1,6000,000 (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.

On March 24, 2023, $3.3 million of General State funds were awarded under the solicitation for proposals for the Community Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) Program Evaluation. The funds awarded will support the design and implementation of the CERF program evaluation.

On March 22, 2023, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), awarded $6.6 million in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s discretionary funds for the solicitation for proposals for the Equity Target Population Fund (ETPF) PY 22-23 grant program. The ETPF PY 22-23 grants were awarded to nine organizations to design and implement projects that accelerate equity in employment into good-quality jobs and develop innovative employment strategies for populations facing significant employment barriers. The awardees will serve difficult-to-reach population sectors including disconnected young adults, justice-involved individuals, people with disabilities (PWD), and veterans. The grant’s funding will combine demand-driven training and education with tailored wrap-around services for 1,162 workers currently confronting economic and employment barriers.

Federal Funding Disclosure: This Equity Target Population Fund Grant Program is funded by a grant award totaling $8,000,000 (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.

On October 20, 2022, $55 million of General State funds were awarded under the solicitation for proposals for the Community Economic Resilience Fund Program. The funds awarded will support the High Road Transition Collaboratives in the development of roadmaps, including a strategy and recommended series of investments, for their region.

On August 16, 2022, the Employment Development Department awarded $2,500,000 of Wagner-Peyser Act 10 Percent Discretionary Funds to five organizations under the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Grant Solicitation for Proposals for Program Year 2022-23. The program assists DHH individuals in searching, obtaining, and retaining unsubsidized employment, and career advancement opportunities. These services are provided at selected America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM sites. Project descriptions, award amount, and contact information are listed below. Award decisions are final.

On July 8, 2022, the Employment Development Department awarded $100,000 of Wagner-Peyser Act 10 Percent Discretionary Funds to one organization under the Campesino de California Outreach Grant – Radio Media SFP Program Year (PY) 2022-23. Project descriptions, award amount, and contact information are listed below. Award decisions are final.

Program Year 2021–22

On June 9, 2022, $1.2 million of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s Discretionary funds were awarded to one organization under the solicitation for proposals for the Equity and Special Populations Technical Assistance and Evaluations grant for Program Year 2021-22. The funds awarded will focus on providing technical assistance and evaluation to implementing projects that prepare Californians with barriers to employment for quality jobs with livable wages.

On February 22, 2022, $11,451,835 of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s Discretionary funds were awarded to 19 organizations under the solicitation for proposals for the Equity and Special Populations grant for Program Year 2021-22. The funds awarded will focus on implementing projects that prepare Californians with barriers to employment for quality jobs with livable wages.

On June 14, 2021, $750,000 of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 25 percent additional assistance funds were awarded to three organizations under the solicitation for proposals for the Dislocated Youth Worker Innovation Challenge grant. The funds awarded will focus on implementing pilot projects that create career pathways for dislocated youth workers who face barriers to employment.

On June 17, 2021, the Employment Development Department awarded $100,000 of Wagner-Peyser 10 Percent allocation funds to one organization under the SFP for the Campesino de California Outreach Grant – Radio Media PY 21-22. Project descriptions, award amount, and contact information are listed below. Award decisions are final.

On June 17, 2021, the Employment Development Department awarded $150,000 of Wagner-Peyser 10 Percent allocation funds to one organization under the SFP for the Campesino de California Outreach Grant - Complaint System Awareness and Referral Program PY 21-22. Project descriptions, award amount, and contact information are listed below. Award decisions are final.

On July 1, 2021, we awarded five grants totaling $2,500,000 under the Solicitation for Proposal for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services for Program Year 2021-22. The program assists DHH participants in searching, obtaining, and retaining unsubsidized employment, and career advancement opportunities. These services are provided at selected America’s Job Center of California locations.

Funding decisions are final.

Program Year 2020–21

On May 7, 2021, $1.6 million of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s Discretionary funds were awarded to six organizations under the solicitation for proposals for the English Language Learners grant. The funds awarded will focus on implementing integrated education and training models to prepare Californians with barriers to employment resulting from limited English language proficiency for high-quality jobs with sustainable wages and upward mobility. An additional $200,000 was awarded to one organization to provide technical assistance to the programs and produce a final report outlining successes and opportunities for improvement.

On May 14, 2021, $2 million of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s Discretionary funds were awarded to six organizations under the solicitation for proposals for the Disability Employment Accelerator grant. The funds awarded will focus on implementing models that create career pathways for Californians with disabilities who face barriers to employment.

On May 14, 2021, $4.9 million of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Governor’s Discretionary funds were awarded to 11 organizations under the solicitation for proposals for the Veterans’ Employment-Related Assistance Program grant. The funds awarded will support the implementation of technology-enabled education and training that allows veterans to develop the skills necessary for employment in high quality jobs with sustainable wages.

On October 30, 2020, the Employment Development Department awarded $100,000 of Wagner-Peyser Act 10 percent discretionary funds to one organization under the Campesino de California Outreach Grant – Radio Media SFP PY 20-21. Project descriptions, award amount, and contact information are listed below.

Award decisions are final.

On October 30, 2020, the Employment Development Department awarded $150,000 of Wagner-Peyser Act 10 percent discretionary funds to one organization under the Campesino de California Outreach Grant – Complaint System Awareness and Referral SFP PY 20-21. Project descriptions, award amount, and contact information are listed below.

Award decisions are final.

On June 12, 2020, the Employment Development Department awarded five grants totaling $2,500,000 under the Solicitation for Proposal for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Services for Program Year (PY) 2020-21. The program assists DHH individuals in searching, obtaining, and retaining unsubsidized employment, and career advancement opportunities. These services are provided at selected America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM sites.

Funding decisions are final.

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