Contact State Disability Insurance
If you have questions about your claim, our website, or our services, you can contact us:
- Online
- By phone
- In person
- By mail
You can call the State Disability Insurance (SDI) using our toll-free phone numbers. Our staff is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday. SDI offices are closed on state holidays.
For information on local SDI offices, visit our Office Locator.
Statewide Toll-Free Numbers
Use the DI Automated Phone Service to:
- Get information.
- Contact a live representative.
- Get technical help with myEDD or SDI Online.
Statewide Toll-Free Numbers:
- English: 1-800-480-3287
- Spanish: 1-866-658-8846
- Teletypewriter (TTY): 1-800-563-2441
- California Relay Service: Call 711
SDI Online
SDI Online is the fastest way to file and get information about your DI claim. You can ask questions and get direct responses by following these steps in SDI Online:
- Log in to myEDD.
- Select SDI Online.
- On your Home page, select the Claim ID of your current claim.
- Select Request Claim Update in the Claim Information section.
- Choose a Request Type from the dropdown menu and select Next.
- Add your specific question to your claim.
Note: All questions and direct responses are confidential.
New! You can now view your PFL claim status, access payment history and upload documents on SDI Online.
Statewide Toll-Free Numbers
Use the PFL Automated Phone Service to:
- Get information.
- Contact a live representative.
- Get technical help with myEDD or SDI Online.
Statewide Toll-Free Numbers:
- English: 1-877-238-4373
- Spanish: 1-877-379-3819
- Cantonese: 1-866-692-5595
- Vietnamese: 1-866-692-5596
- Armenian: 1-866-627-1567
- Punjabi: 1-866-627-1568
- Tagalog: 1-866-627-1569
- Teletypewriter (TTY): 1-800-445-1312
- California Relay Service: Call 711 and provide the number 1-877-238-4373 to the operator.
If you have a question about your PFL claim, you can use Ask EDD to send a secure message.
Visit, Ask EDD.
Follow these steps:
- Visit Ask EDD.
- Select the category Paid Family Leave.
- Select the sub-category Miscellaneous Inquiry.
- Select the topic Other (Questions).
Include as much information as possible on the electronic forms. All of your information will be kept private.
Note: Google Translate™ is not available within Ask EDD.
To contact a representative or to use the State Employee Automated Phone Service:
- Nonindustrial Disability Insurance: 1-866-758-9768
- Disability Insurance for State Employees: 1-866-352-7675
- Paid Family Leave for State Employees: 1-877-945-4747
- California Relay Service: Call 711
Call 1-855-342-3645 to use the Employer/Licensed Health Professional Automated Phone Information System to talk to our staff.
This number is employers and licensed health professionals only.
Call if you need help with:
- Disability Insurance
- Paid Family Leave
- General information
Our staff cannot access personal claim information to answer claimant questions.
In Person or By Mail
For general DI or PFL questions (not related to a specific claim), you can contact us by mail:
Employment Development Department
PO Box 826880 - DICO, MIC 29
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001
Important: Do not mail applications or claim-related materials.
Disability Insurance and Paid Family Leave Benefits
Find DI Information for You
Register for myEDD
Creating an account is an important step in this process. With myEDD, you can apply for Disability Insurance and manage your claim in SDI Online.