Contact EDD

The support you need, when you need it most.

Contact EDD

The support you need, when you need it most.

Our goal is to deliver quick and convenient service when you need to contact us and we offer a variety of self-service options online and by phone.  

If you have a question or would like to report fraud, use Ask EDD. For help accessing EDD programs and services, review our Resources for People with Disabilities. If you are having difficulty with the EDD website, visit Technical Help.

Select one of the following options to contact us.

myEDD is the fastest way to apply for unemployment benefits and to get help resetting your password. You can also ask questions about your claim using myEDD by selecting Contact at the top of your UI Online homepage.

Unemployment Customer Service

Important: If we call you, your caller ID will show “St of CA EDD” or the UI Customer Service number 1-800-300-5616 or 833-978-2511.

Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday, except on state holidays.

Note: Monday morning before 10 a.m. is our busiest call time, so we recommend calling at other times.

English and Spanish: 1-800-300-5616
Armenian: 1-855-528-1518
Cantonese: 1-800-547-3506
Korean: 1-844-660-0877
Mandarin: 1-866-303-0706
Tagalog: 1-866-395-1513
Vietnamese: 1-800-547-2058
All Other Languages: 1-800-300-5616. Interpreter services are available free of charge.

California Relay Service (711): Provide the UI number (1-800-300-5616) to the operator.
TTY: 1-800-815-9387

Unemployment Automated Self-Service Line

Get information on how to apply or reopen an existing claim and your last payment issued. You can also certify for benefits using EDD Tele-CertSM, request copies of your 1099G tax information, and find your local America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM.

Hours: 24 hours per day, seven days per week

English: 1-866-333-4606
Spanish: 1-866-333-4606

For a list of office locations, visit State Disability Insurance Office Locations.

Important: myEDD is the fastest way to apply for benefits and get information about your Disability Insurance (DI) claim. Using myEDD, you can ask confidential questions about your claim and receive a direct response. From your SDI Online home page:

  1. Select the Claim ID of your current claim.
  2. Select Request Claim Update in the Claim Information section.
  3. Choose a Request Type from the dropdown menu and select Next.
  4. Add your specific question to your claim.

For more information, visit Disability Insurance.

To contact a DI representative, use the DI Automated Phone Information System:

  • English: 1-800-480-3287
  • Spanish: 1-866-658-8846
  • California Relay Service (711): Provide the DI number (1-800-480-3287) to the operator
  • TTY: 1-800-563-2441

Representatives are available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday, except on state holidays.

New! You can now view your PFL claim status, access payment history and upload documents on SDI Online.

For a list of office locations, visit State Disability Insurance Office Locations.

Important: You can ask a Paid Family Leave (PFL) question by visiting Ask EDD.

  1. Select the category Paid Family Leave.
  2. Select the sub-category Miscellaneous Inquiry.
  3. Select the topic Other (Questions).

For more information, visit Paid Family Leave.

To contact a Paid Family Leave (PFL) representative, use the PFL Automated Phone Information System:

  • English: 1-877-238-4373
  • Spanish: 1-877-379-3819
  • Cantonese: 1-866-692-5595
  • Vietnamese: 1-866-692-5596
  • Armenian: 1-866-627-1567
  • Punjabi: 1-866-627-1568
  • Tagalog: 1-866-627-1569
  • California Relay Service (711): Provide the PFL number (1-877-238-4373) to the operator
  • TTY: 1-800-445-1312

Representatives are available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday, except on state holidays.

A benefit overpayment is when you collect unemployment, disability, or Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits you are not eligible to receive. It is important to repay overpayments to avoid collection and legal action.

Note: You can repay your overpayment by check before receiving the Benefit Overpayment Collection Notice. Review your Notice of Overpayment for instructions.

Important: You cannot repay your overpayment online until you receive a Benefit Overpayment Collection Notice (DE 8344JUDR) with your Claimant ID and Letter ID. We will mail you the Benefit Overpayment Collection Notice 30 days after we mail the Notice of Overpayment or the Notice of Denial of Benefits and Overpayment, or when an appeal is denied.

If you do not enroll in Benefit Overpayment Services, you can make a one-time payment online but remember you will still need Benefit Overpayment Collection Notice (DE 8344JUDR) with your Claimant ID and Letter ID.

Contact the Benefit Overpayment Collection Section at 1-800-676-5737 during normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific time). We can help you with:

  • Questions about your overpayment.
  • Updating your address or phone number.
  • Technical issues, including trouble enrolling in myEDD and Benefit Overpayment Services.

Visit Office Locator to find a Tax office near you.

To contact a Payroll Taxes representative or to use the Automated Phone Information System:

  • Phone: 1-888-745-3886
  • California Relay Service (711): Provide the Payroll Tax Assistance number (1-888-745-3886) to the operator
  • TTY: 1-800-547-9565

Representatives are available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday, except on state holidays.

For more information and a listing of office locations, visit Contact Payroll Taxes. Visit Office Locator to find an employment tax office near you.

America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM

Visit Office Locator to contact an America’s Job Center of California near you. For general workforce services information:

  • Phone: 1-916-654-7799
  • California Relay Service (711): Provide the Workforce Services number (916-654-7799) to the operator

To find a job, list a job opening, and browse other online employment services, visit CalJOBSSM. For assistance, call CalJOBS at 1-800-758-0398.

Labor Market Information

For labor market information questions, comments, or suggestions:

  • Phone: 916-262-2162
  • Fax: 916-262-2352
  • California Relay Service (711): Provide the Labor Market Information number (916-262-2162) to the operator

Note: We offer labor market consulting services to help workforce partners and employers find, access, and use labor market information and services. View Labor Market Researchers by County (PDF) for a phone and email listing of Labor Market consultants in California.

If you have comments, suggestions, or complaints, download and complete the Comments, Suggestions, and/or Complaints Form (DE 8123) in your preferred language. The following documents are PDFs. To complete them, you may need to download and save them on the computer, then open them with the no-cost Adobe Reader.

You can also download the following Language Access Complaint posters:

If you think that you have been discriminated, please view the EDD Equal Opportunity Notice.

Important: Do not mail applications or claim-related materials to the addresses listed on this page. To avoid delays, mail all forms and requested documents to the address on your form. Visit File an Unemployment Insurance Claim or State Disability Insurance for information about submitting claim information.

Use the following addresses to contact the EDD by mail.

Benefit Overpayment Collection Section
Employment Development Department
PO Box 826218
Sacramento, CA 94230-6218

Disability Insurance or Paid Family Leave
Employment Development Department
PO Box 826880 - DICO, MIC 29
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

Employment Development Department
PO Box 826880, MIC 43
Sacramento, CA 94280-0225

Language Access Complaints
Equal Employment Opportunity Office
PO BOX 826880, MIC 49
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

Labor Market Information Division
Employment Development Department
PO Box 826880, MIC 57
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

Legal Office
Employment Development Department
Legal Office
800 Capitol Mall, MIC 53
Sacramento, CA 95814

Tax Assistance: Employers - General Correspondence
Employment Development Department
Tax Support Division, MIC 93
PO Box 826880
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

Unemployment Insurance
Employment Development Department
PO Box 826880 - UISD, MIC 40
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

Important: Do not mail unemployment appeals, applications, or claim-related materials to this address. Follow the instructions on your forms and requests from us, and use the mailing addresses listed there.

Workforce Services Branch
Employment Development Department
Branch Support Unit
PO Box 826880, MIC 69
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001


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Follow us on social media for information on benefits and other services, tips for job seekers, and more.