Statewide Training Unit Catalog
The Statewide Training Unit (STU) offers a variety of no-cost staff training to enhance California’s workforce development community. Training is available by webinar or in-person to local Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded organizations.
Training topics include:
- WIOA programs
- WIOA reporting and performance
- Career coaching
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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 101 Field Division
This training provides a general understanding of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This overview provides the terms, purpose, and functions of the WIOA.
Lesson A – History and Purpose of WIOA
Provides a brief history of the various acts before the WIOA, beginning with the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 to the present. The lesson also offers a broad overview, including the goals of WIOA and the services it provides for job seekers and employers.
Lesson B – The Five Titles and Six Core Programs
Outlines the five titles in WIOA, including the services provided to Californians, and identifies the six goals of WIOA . The lesson discusses the programs authorized under Titles I and III in more detail, while also reviewing programs under Titles II and IV.
Lesson C – Guidance and Implementation
Identifies various federal and state-level policy and guidance documents that define how WIOA is implemented. By understanding the principles and terminology involved in WIOA implementation, participants will gain a broad understanding to use in the next lessons.
Time estimate: 2.5 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
The second training offers a general overview of the administrative organizations involved in implementing WIOA. This lesson reviews who is involved in managing WIOA programs at the federal, state, and local area levels, how these organizations work with one another, and how we, in coordination with the Department of Labor and the California Workforce Development Board assign and pay out WIOA funds.
Lesson A – Federal and State-Level Administration
Identifies the various federal and state organizations involved in managing WIOA .
Lesson B – Local Area and America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC) Administration
Building on Lesson A, this lesson provides a detailed account of the structure of the Local Areas and AJCC locations, including information on Local Area staff, our field division staff, and the services provided under Titles I and III .
Lesson C – Title I and Title III Funding
Explains Title I and Title III funding sources and how they are divided, and when funds are paid out.
Time estimate: 2.5 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
This module provides an overview of how program performance is measured , reported, and how programs include WIOA performance requirements into the work conducted at AJCC locations.
Lesson A – Collecting Data
Outlines the relationship between program performance and reporting requirements, including the types of services provided at the local level through the AJCC locations. This lesson outlines the types of services that are reported to the Department of Labor, including what are “reportable-only” activities and activities that place an individual “in performance.”
Lesson B – Performance Indicators
Provides an overview of the six performance indicators mandated by WIOA, which apply across all core programs. The lesson explains who is included in each performance indicator and how success is measured.
Lesson C – The Exit Clock
The lesson distinguishes between the exit date and the exit clock and describes the types of services that restart the exit clock for participants.
Lesson D – CalJOBS Activity Codes
Defines CalJOBS service activity codes and provides information on how to tell a participant’s active and inactive status. The lesson also identifies the service activity code listings related to individuals and employers.
Time estimate: 2.5 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
Career Coaching
This module provides a general understanding of the Career Development Model and its process. The module explains the five steps to support job seekers and create a better course of action in the job search process.
Lesson A – Historical Perspective on Career Theory
Covers the history and development of career coaching. The lesson describes the common terms and theories used in the field today.
Lesson B – The Career Planning Process
Describes the Career Planning Process career development model and identifies the five-step sequence. The lesson explains how to assess where job seekers are in the career planning process.
Lesson C – Interacting with Job Seekers
Addresses how to communicate effectively with job seekers while also describing basic career counseling and customer service skills.
Time estimate: 2.5 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
Module 2 addresses two important aspects of the job search: creating a resume and preparing for the job interview.
Lesson A – Resume Makeover
Identifies the different types of commonly used resumes, and how to provide constructive and effective feedback to job seekers.
Lesson B – Interview for Success
Covers important interview tips and techniques to use before, during, and after a job interview. The lesson reviews professional etiquette, dress codes, expectations, and how to negotiate a job offer.
Time estimate: 2.5 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
Elements of Performance
The first module provides an overview to understand the performance accountability measures required by WIOA. The module outlines key concepts through examples and an overview of terms used in calculating the six common performance indicators.
Lesson A – What Do We Mean by “Performance”?
Outlines the performance accountability measures, identifies what data is collected and who uses it, and discusses how data is reported.
Lesson B – Who’s in Performance and When Do They Exit?
Outlines “reportable only” activities , which are different from activities that place a person “in performance.” This lesson also clarifies “reportable individuals” compared to “participants ” and provides examples of reportable individuals and participants.
Lesson C – Performance Indicators
Provides an overview of the six performance indicators required by WIOA. This lesson also explains the employment and wages indicators in detail, and offers examples of how the performance indicators are calculated.
Time estimate: 2.5 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
The second module focuses on the two performance indicators important to programs that enroll participants in education and training:
- Credential Attainment
- Measurable Skill Gains
This lesson explains how the indicators work and provides examples of positive results in both performance indicators. The lesson also addresses best practices in using CalJOBS activity codes, and reviews state and local area performance goals.
Lesson A – Credential Attainment
Defines the performance indicator, Credential Attainment. This lesson explains how the indicator work and provides examples of positive results in the indicator.
Lesson B – Measurable Skill Gains
Defines the performance indicator, Measurable Skill Gains. This lesson explains how the indicator works, and provides examples of positive results in the indicator.
Lesson C – Activity Codes and Performance
Explains why we use activity codes, describes where to find them, how activity codes affect the Exit Clock, and concludes with a brief overview of statewide performance goals.
Time estimate: 2.5 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
CalJOBS System Training
CalJOBS webinars and in-person training classes are designed to help the requestors’ needs, objectives, and experience with the CalJOBS system. All training classes include hands-on demonstrations for practical experience using CalJOBS.
CalJOBS system training covers five general areas.
This two-day, interactive training provides a general understanding of the CalJOBS system, with the aim to help staff use a variety of CalJOBS system functions efficiently and effectively. The training covers a wide range of topics that will help staff use the CalJOBS site, manage their caseloads, and report services under WIOA and State grant programs.
Requestors can choose one or more lessons, including:
- CalJOBS Navigation
- Managing and Customizing the Staff Dashboard
- Individual Registration
- WIOA Application
- Participation and Activity Codes
- Case Notes and Document Management
- Objective Assessment Summary
- Individual Employment Plan
- Closures, Exits and Follow-Ups
- Case Management Tools
- Commonly Used Reports
Time estimate: Variable
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
This hands-on training shows how employers and workforce staff can use CalJOBS labor exchange features, including how to post job orders, search for, and contact qualified job seekers.
The training shows staff how to work between types of employer accounts, post and manage job orders, search for resumes, view labor market information, and manage communication between employers, job seekers, and workforce staff.
In addition, workforce staff also learn how to register employers, assist employers already registered in the system, enter employer activity codes and case notes, and run employer reports.
Time estimate: 4 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
This training provides business services and employer outreach staff with an overview of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module in the CalJOBS system. This training demonstrates how workforce staff can use the CRM module to manage their employer outreach efforts.
Staff learn how to identify the two types of employer accounts, create and manage a Marketing Lead employer account, convert a Marketing Lead into a Recruiting Employer account, and record services using employer activity codes and case notes.
Time estimate: 2 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
Presented in collaboration with the Financial Management Unit, this training focuses on the financial management features in CalJOBS, including reporting functions. The training covers financial management for WIOA Title I programs and special grant projects, including how to request WIOA funds, submit and review monthly and quarterly expenditure reports, and complete the closeout report process.
Time estimate: 2 hours
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
This webinar focuses on CalJOBS system changes or new module s that are specific to the State of California. The STU offers this webinar whenever a CalJOBS system update occurs and provides participants with a review of the changes and enhancements to the system.
Time estimate: Variable
Intended audience: WIOA Title I, WIOA Title III
Workforce Services
Find Jobs and Training for You
Access Employment Services
America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) helps employers find qualified workers and connects job seekers with openings. The service is free.
CalJOBS is California’s online job search system. You can create an account, log in, and find services for both employers and job seekers.
Additional Resources
Can’t find what you are looking for? View these resources for more information.