Subrecipient Resources
- Information for Workforce Partners - The EDD offers workforce partners a variety of policy and guidance information, programs, services, and resources to address the skill development needs of California’s workforce.
- CalJOBS Cash Request Handbook, Directive WSD16-17 - Provides procedures regarding drawing down cash to pay for expenditures incurred against a subgrant.
- CalJOBS Participant Reporting, Directive WSD20-10 - Provides guidance regarding Workforce Investment Act, Wagner-Peyser Act, and Trade Adjustment Act reporting requirements.
- Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) - Information about California’s statewide list of qualified training providers offering a wide range of educational programs, including classroom, correspondence, online, and apprenticeship programs.
- WIOA 15 Percent Governor’s Discretionary Funds, WSD23-04 - Provides guidance regarding the requirements for all projects funded through Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) 15 Percent Governor’s Discretionary funds.
- Selective Service Registration, Directive WSD16-18 - Provides guidance on Selective Service registration requirements for participation in WIOA funded services.
- Title 1 Eligibility, Directive WSD24-04 - Provides guidance for determining an individual’s eligibility to participate in Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I programs.
- WIOA Adult Program Priority of Service, Directive WSD15-14 - Provides definition of services in details of priority of services for eligible adults.
- WIOA Youth Program Requirements, Directive WSD17-07 - Provides guidance for youth program and eligibility requirements.
- Allowable Costs and Prior Written Approval WSD16-16 - Provides guidance and establishes procedures for subrecipients of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I funds regarding general cost principles, allowable costs, and prior written approval requirement.
- Consultant Services and Pay, Directive WSD21-05 - Provides guidance on the use of professional and consultant services and applies to all subrecipients of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
- Procurement, Directive WSD17-08 - Provides procedures regarding procurement for goods and services with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds.
- Program Income, Directive WSD15-25 - Provides guidance and establishes the procedures for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program income.
- Property – Purchasing, Inventory, and Disposal, Directive WSD16-10 - Explains state and federal requirements applying to all subrecipients and their lower-tier subrecipients who plan to purchase property (totaling $5,000 or more) or purchase, rent, license, maintain, or subscribe to information-technology applications/software/services (totaling $5,000 or more).
- Monthly and Quarterly Financial Reporting Requirements, Directive WSD19-05 - Provides guidance and establishes procedures regarding monthly and quarterly financial reporting requirements including state-imposed requirements.
- Unilateral De-Obligation, Directive WSD16-03 - Provides guidance and establishes procedures regarding the de-obligation or cancellation of funds when a project is lagging in relation to Governor’s Discretionary and 25 percent Additional Assistance, Rapid Response, and Layoff Aversion funds.
- WIOA Closeout Requirements, Directive WSD16-05 - Provides guidance and establishes procedures regarding the closeout of all Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program activities.
- EDD email subscription services - Subscribe to receive the latest news about EDD programs and services including news and announcements, recently added forms and publications, and events.
- EDD Active Directives - A listing of active Directives and Draft Directives open for comment and closed for comment.
- EDD Information Notices - A listing of information notices issued by the EDD’s Workforce Services Branch to disseminate announcements, general information, and procedural guidance on departmental programs for EDD staff, workforce partners, stakeholders, and other individuals in the workforce development system.
- Workforce Innovation.and Opportunity Act - Information regarding the implementation plan of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) at the state and federal level along with other resources.
- Organizational Information Change, Directive WSD17-06 - Provides guidance to all recipients of WIOA funding and America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM operators on how to submit organization information to the EDD.
- Grievance and Complaint Procedures, Directive WSD18-05 - Provides procedures regarding grievances and complaints aligning noncriminal violations of WIOA Title I requirements.
- Incident Reporting, Directive WSD24-03 - Provides procedures for reporting criminal activity and noncriminal complaints to the Compliance Review Office of the EDD and the Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General.
- Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Procedures, Directive WSD17-01 - Provides procedures regarding nondiscrimination and equal opportunity procedures for Local Workforce Development Areas (Local Areas).
- Standards for Oversight and Instructions for Substate Monitoring, Directive WSD24-11 - Provides standards for the Local Workforce Development Board’s oversight responsibilities regarding WIOA.
- Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) - Information about California’s statewide list of qualified training providers offering a wide range of educational programs, including classroom, correspondence, online, and apprenticeship programs.
- WIA Training Expenditure Requirements, Directive WSD14-01 - Provides guidance regarding WIOA training expenditures requirements including definition of match and in-kind funds, types of training and examples of calculations.
- Training & Employment Guidance Letters (TEGL), Training & Employment Notice (TEN) - Search and view for Training & Employment Guidance Letters or Notices issued by U.S. Department of Labor.
- U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act - Information and updates regarding the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act by U.S. DOL.
- Office of Management and Budget Circulars (OMB) - Directory of circulars issued by the Office of Management and Budget.
- Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 15-14: Implementation of the New Uniform Guidance Regulations - Provides guidance to Employment and Training Administration grantees on the implementation of the Department of Labor's "Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards" regulation.
- Uniform Guidance Grants and Agreements, Title 2 CFR Part 2900 - An outline of Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations, Grants and Agreements, Part 2900 regarding Uniform Administrative Requirements, Costs Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.