Family and Medical Leave Act and California Family Rights Act FAQs
Find answers to the frequently asked questions about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) employee leave laws.
For detailed information about FMLA, visit the Department of Labor or call 1-866-487-2365.
For detailed information about CFRA, visit the Civil Rights Department or call 1-800-884-1684.
The FMLA and the CFRA are federal and state leave laws that allow eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave.
FMLA and CFRA help to protect your job while you are receiving Disability Insurance or Paid Family Leave benefits when you must:
- Take medical leave for yourself.
- Care for a family member who is seriously ill.
- Bond with a new child.
- Participate in a qualifying event because of a family member’s military deployment to a foreign country.
Disability Insurance (DI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) provide wage replacement benefits only; they do not provide job protection. DI and PFL do not change the federal or state leave laws in any way and are completely separate from them. Your job may be protected under other employee leave laws, such as the FMLA or the CFRA.
DI provides up to 52 weeks of paid benefits when you are unable to work and have a wage loss due to your own non-work-related illness, injury, pregnancy, or childbirth.
PFL provides up to eight weeks of paid benefits when you have a wage loss due to taking time off work to:
- Care for a seriously ill family member.
- Bond with a new child.
- Participate in a qualifying event because of a family member’s military deployment to a foreign country.
Disability Insurance and Paid Family Leave Benefits
Find DI Information for You
Register for myEDD
Creating an account is an important step in this process. With myEDD, you can apply for Disability Insurance and manage your claim in SDI Online.