Workforce Services Directives
Our Directives provide policy and guidance about various program requirements, funding, and activities. These Directives are for our Workforce Services staff and Workforce Partners.
You can find a list of all active Directives sorted by Program Year, as well as Draft Directives that are open or closed for comments.
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- WSD24-15 - Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses
- WSD24-14 - WIOA Waiver Guidance
- WSD24-13 - Local Area MIS Administrator and WSB CalJOBS SPOC Roles and Responsibilities
- WSD24-12 - CalJOBS System Access
- WSD24-11 - Oversight and Monitoring Standards for Substate Entities
- WSD24-10 - Local Area Subsequent Designation and Local Board Recertification for PY 25-27
- WSD24-09 - Regional and Local Planning Guidance for PY 2025-28
- WSD24-08 - Substantial Violations and Applicable Sanctions
- WSD24-07 - Performance Guidance
- WSD24-06 - Adult Program Priority of Service
- WSD24-05 - CalJOBS Activity Codes
- WSD24-04 - WIOA Title I Eligibility Technical Assistance Guide
- WSD24-03 - Incident Reporting
- WSD24-02 - LLSIL and Poverty Guidelines
- WSD23-09 - Employment Service Complaint System
- WSD23-08 - Stipends and Incentive Payments
- WSD23-07 - Eligibility for State Funded Grant Programs
- WSD23-06 - WIOA Title III W-P Colocation Requirements
- WSD23-05 - Comprehensive, Affiliate, and Specialized AJCC Certification
- WSD23-04 - WIOA 15 Percent Governor’s Discretionary Funds
- WSD23-01 - Operational Guidance for National Dislocated Worker Grants
- WSD22-15 - WIOA Data Validation Source Documentation
- WSD22-13 - Selection of AJCC Operators and Career Services Providers
- WSD22-11 - High Performing Boards
- WSD22-10 - Salary and Bonus Limitations for 2023
- WSD22-09 - Transfer of Funds – WIOA Adult/Dislocated Worker Programs
- WSD22-08 - ETPL Reciprocal Agreements
- WSD22-07 - Debt Collection
- WSD22-06 - Audit Resolution
- WSD22-04 - WIOA Data Validation
- WSD21-05 - Consultant Services and Pay
- WSD21-04 - Criminal Record Restrictions and Impact Based on Race and Nationality
- WSD21-03 - ETPL Policy and Procedures
- WSD20-11 - Pseudo Social Security Number in CalJOBS
- WSD20-10 - CalJOBS Participant Reporting
- WSD20-09 - Youth Service Eligible Provider List
- WSD20-04 - Local Area Modification Process
- WSD20-03 - Audits Requirements
- WSD20-02 - Calculating Local Area Performance and Nonperformance
- WSD20-01 - WIOA Regional Planning Units
- WSD19-14 - Emergency Cooperation Agreements
- WSD19-11 - State Level Performance Goals and Local Area Negotiations
- WSD19-10 - Recovery of WIOA Tuition and Training Refunds
- WSD19-09 - Strategic Co-Enrollment – Unified Plan Partners
- WSD19-05 - Monthly and Quarterly Financial Reporting Requirements
- WSD19-02 - Worker Displacement Prohibition
- WSD19-01 - Incumbent Worker Training
- WSD18-17 - Federal Bonding Program
- WSD18-15 - Indirect Cost Rates
- WSD18-12 - WIOA Memorandums of Understanding
- WSD18-10 - WIOA Training Expenditure Requirement
- WSD18-09 - Services and Referrals to Victims of Human Trafficking
- WSD18-06 - Subrecipient and Contractor Distinctions
- WSD18-05 - WIOA Grievance and Complaint Resolution Procedures
- WSD18-03 - Pathway to Services, Referral, and Enrollment
- WSD18-02 - Data Change Request Form Procedure
- WSD17-10 - Addition of the CalJOBS Title III – Wagner-Peyser Registered Individual Application
- WSD17-09 - Mandated Use of VOSGreeter Module in CalJOBS
- WSD17-08 - Procurement of Equipment and Related Services
- WSD17-07 - WIOA Youth Program Requirements
- WSD17-06 - Organizational Information Change
- WSD17-05 - Oversight and Monitoring of Nondiscrimination and EO Procedures
- WSD17-03 - Limited English Proficiency
- WSD17-01 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Procedures
- WSD16-23 - Mandated Use of One Integrated Data System – Direct Data Key Entry into CalJOBS
- WSD16-18 - Selective Service Registration
- WSD16-17 - CalJOBS Cash Request
- WSD16-16 - Allowable Costs and Prior Written Approval
- WSD16-15 - Dislocated Worker Additional Assistance Projects
- WSD16-12 - Reauthorization of the WOTC Program
- WSD16-10 - Property – Purchasing, Inventory, and Disposal
- WSD16-08 - Release of Confidential UI Information
- WSD16-05 - WIOA Closeout Requirements
- WSD16-04 - Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion Activities
- WSD16-03 - Unilateral De-Obligation
- WSD15-26 - Subsidized Employment and Employee Benefits
- WSD15-25 - WIOA Program Income
- WSD15-20 - FFATA Compensation Data Reporting Requirements
- WSD15-19 - Revised Amendment to PY 2015-16 RR Allocations and Guidance on Use of these Funds for WIOA Transition Activities
- WSD15-09 - Impact of WIOA Implementation on Waivers Approved Under WIA
- WSD15-08 - Funds Utilization Requirements for WIOA Funds
- WSD14-15 - WIOA and TAA Co-Enrollment Policy and Procedures
- WSD14-10 - Initial Local Area Designation and Local Board Certification Under WIOA
- WSD13-13 -Contracts with Higher Education or Eligible Training Providers
- WIAD04-22 - State-Required Surveys of Dislocated Workers
The following Directives have been issued in draft to give the workforce community the opportunity to review and comment prior to final issuance. Each Draft Directives contain instructions how to submit comments and when they are due.
Draft Directives that are no longer open for comments are listed here for reference until the final guidance is ready.
When a Directive is finalized, it will be available on the Active Directives tab.
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