Guidance to Reopen America’s Job Center of California Offices

Workforce Services Information Notice

Issued: July 30, 2020

While safeguarding the health and safety of our America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) staff and customers, the Employment Development Department (EDD), in collaboration with the California Workforce Development Board, the California Workforce Association, and AJCC partners, plan to reopen AJCC offices when conditions allow in accordance with state and local guidance to provide essential employment and training services to job seekers and employers.

Health and safety worksite plan

The goal for reopening AJCCs is to effectively and safely provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded and partner services to businesses and job seekers, in accordance with the Governor's Office, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and local health department guidance. All AJCCs should reopen at the direction of local guidance and operate with appropriate safeguards to protect the health and safety of employees and customers.

If a Health and Safety Plan (HSP) does not exist, then a plan should be developed that addresses preparedness and responses to help guide protective actions against COVID-19. A sample HSP is provided as Attachment 1. The EDD strongly recommends AJCC partners update existing HSPs to include COVID-19 guidance and take the following steps:

  • Establish or update a written HSP for each office, and designate a Health and Safety Single Point of Contact (SPOC) responsible for implementing the plan.
  • Perform a comprehensive assessment of work and communal areas to align with state and local guidance.
  • Develop a communication plan with AJCC partners to communicate information about COVID-19 outbreaks in the office. Identify appropriate AJCC partner contacts to ensure each entity is notified and appropriate protocols are deployed.
  • Communicate the HSP with employees.
  • Develop a schedule to routinely evaluate the office for HSP compliance and correct violations identified.
  • Confidentially investigate COVID-19 employee illnesses and determine if any work related factors contributed to the spread of the virus. Identify close contacts and work areas of an infected employee and take preventative measures to avoid additional COVID-19 infections.
  • Update the HSP as necessary to prevent further cases.


As counties and cities reopen for business, job seekers and employers will need employment and training services at the AJCCs. The EDD will work with the WIOA Title I Local Workforce Development Boards, the AJCC Operators, and other AJCC workforce partners to establish an appropriate service delivery model, services that will be offered, and referral process. These services should be provided in a manner that promotes the health and safety of employees and meets the workforce needs of our customers. The following services can be provided either in person by appointment, remote/virtual, or a combination of both as determined by the AJCC partners:

  • Labor exchange services, including, job search and placement assistance.
  • WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs and services.
  • Outreach, intake, referrals, and orientation for services available through the AJCC.
  • Unemployment Insurance (UI) information and assistance in UI Online navigation.

Employee roles and expectations

AJCC staff may be instructed to return to their respective offices to continue in their regular job duties and functions with physical distancing guidelines established by the CDC and safety protocols established by the AJCC and the HSP. AJCC staff will serve customers based on the agreed service delivery strategy of the AJCC partners. This may include in-person scheduled appointments or remote/virtual services.

Employee health and safety protocols

  • Employees are required to wear a face covering/mask, per CDPH guidelines.
  • Employees are expected to perform all job duties and functions and wear a face covering/mask in the AJCC, including while assisting customers in public areas.
  • Offices should make face coverings, gloves, disinfecting wipes, and hand sanitizer available per local health department guidelines. Restrooms will be stocked with soap and paper towels at all times. 
  • Employees will continue practicing physical distancing, staying six feet away from customers and other staff. 
  • Ensure employee workstations meet social distancing guidelines.
  • Employees will not be mandated to test for COVID-19 prior to the launch of the re-opening. Employees choosing to be tested should follow their health care provider’s guidance, or local county and public health directives regarding testing.
  • Employees are required to comply with temperature screenings if mandated by the local health department guidance.
  • Employees are recommended to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms daily using CDC
    symptom guidelines. Employees should notify their direct manager if they believe they have symptoms.
    • Managers may consider telework in cases where an employee is unable to report to work.
  • In the event of a suspected or positive COVID-19 case, the Health and Safety SPOC should immediately follow the reporting process in the HSP to initiate communication with AJCC partners.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing continue to be a priority. Additionally, sanitation
    supplies will be available for employees to clean work areas between customers.
  • Employees who encounter customers who are agitated, disruptive,or refusing to abide by physical distancing guidelines should notify an
    appropriate manager immediately.

Customer health and safety protocols

  • Per CDPH guidelines, customers are required to wear a face mask/covering.
  • AJCCs may be required to perform temperature screenings as customers enter AJCCs if
    required by local health department guidance.
  • AJCC lobbies may be modified to comply with physical distancing guidelines in order to accommodate walk-in customers.
  • Remove or rearrange chairs in waiting areas to practice social distancing by keeping chairs at least six feet apart. If unable to move, consider signage or tape on chairs to prevent customer’s use.
    • Consider time limits or appointments for equipment in resource rooms.
  • Identify personnel to clean public areas, and manage customer flow within the AJCC. Consider foot traffic flow patterns and designate entrance and exit points.
    • Require regular cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces including, tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, computer mouse, keyboards, etc.
  • Provide hand sanitizer and cleaning stations in common and public areas for customer use.
  • Install additional signage that encourages measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19,
    including the following:
    • Washing of hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.
    • Use of hand-sanitizer near entrances when hand washing is not feasible

Communicating with customers

  • The EDD, in collaboration with AJCC partners, will do the following:
    • Continue with all job duties and functions inside the AJCC, and will have regular cleaning and disinfecting protocols and will continue practicing physical distancing.
    • Be proactive by informing customers about safety protocols when scheduled for in-person services.
    • Ensure appropriate signage is posted to clearly communicate all expectations and safety protocols; make it available in additional languages, as necessary.
    • Use a variety of state and local media sources and electronic notifications regarding reopening of offices and services available.
    • Inform the public of specific office closures through the EDD and AJCC websites, social media, and other media outlets

Local partners are encouraged to review their HSPs on a regular basis and make adjustments accordingly as new federal, state, and or local guidance is available. Resources*

Central Office Workforce Services Division
