
State Disability Insurance Appeals

If you are not eligible for DI or PFL benefits, you have the right to appeal any decision electronically or in writing within 30 days of the date your notice was issued.

How to File an Appeal

If we are not able to pay your Disability Insurance (DI) or Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits, we will send you an Appeal Form (DE 1000A) with your Notice of Determination (DE 2517) for DI or a Notice of Determination (DE 2514) for PFL. We may be missing information about your claim. If so, you may still be eligible for benefits.

Complete the Appeal Form (DE 1000A) with a detailed explanation of why you think you are eligible. Please include any missing documents or information that supports your reason for the claim.

Mail your appeal to the return address shown on the notice.

If the form is lost or misplaced, you can also send us a detailed letter. Be sure to include your:

  • Full printed name.
  • DI Claim Identification (ID) Number or EDD Customer Account Number.
  • Address.
  • Phone number.
  • Reason for your appeal.
  • Request for any language assistance or special accommodations.
  • Signature on the appeal letter.
  • Social Security number for appeals relating to PFL.

We will evaluate your appeal. If we confirm your eligibility, payments will be made, if funds are still available on your claim.

If your eligibility is not confirmed and we are not able to issue you payments, your appeal will be forwarded to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board local Office of Appeals.

The Office of Appeals will mail you a notification with your hearing date, time, location, and their phone number. At the hearing, an impartial Administrative Law Judge will listen to both sides of the appeal and make a decision based on facts presented by you and by a State Disability Insurance representative. If you fail to appear, your appeal will be dismissed.

Once your claim has been processed and we notify you that you are not eligible for Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (NDI) benefits, you will receive an Appeal Form (DE 1000A) with your Notice of Determination (DE 8517).

If you are not eligible for NDI, you have the right to appeal any decision electronically or in writing within 30 days of the date your notice was issued.

How to File an Appeal

If your Voluntary Plan (VP) denies you benefits and you disagree, you have the right to appeal the decision and have a hearing before an impartial Administrative Law Judge.

To file an appeal, send us a detailed letter stating why you think you are eligible. Be sure to include your:

  • Full printed name.
  • DI Claim ID Number or EDD Customer Account Number.
  • Date of birth.
  • Address.
  • Phone number.
  • The name of your employer.
  • Employer’s phone number.
  • Reason for your appeal.
  • Request for any language assistance or special accommodations.
  • Signature on the appeal letter.

Mail your appeal to your local EDD field office.

We will file your appeal with the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board local Office of Appeals but will not pay you DI benefits until a decision is made.

It is important for you to attend your appeal hearing. If you fail to appear, the appeal will be dismissed.