Policy and Guidance
Find policy and guidance information for our workforce partners.
Find Active and Draft Directives. Directives provide policy and guidance for our Workforce Services Staff and Workforce Partners about various workforce program requirements, funding, and activities.
Refer to our Workforce Services Information Notices for announcements, general information, and procedural guidance on departmental programs for our staff, workforce partners, stakeholders, and other people in the workforce development system.
Review the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) resources specific to Laws, Regulations, and Strategic State Plan provided to help our workforce development partners.
The Organizational Information Change (WSD17-06) policy provides guidance and establishes procedures about changes in organization or office information.
Federal Funding Disclosure webpage to assist subrecipients with meeting federal compliance with the Stevens Amendment.
Workforce Services
Find Jobs and Training for You
Access Employment Services
America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM connects employers with job seekers at no cost.
CalJOBSSM is the State of California’s online job search system. Create an account, log in, and access services for employers and job seekers.
Additional Resources
Can’t find what you are looking for? View these resources for more information.