Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Learn about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and how these workforce development programs and employment services help job seekers gain skills and find high-quality jobs and careers.
WIOA helps match employers with the skilled workers needed to compete in the economy.
Benefits of WIOA
Through a network of America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC) locations, WIOA supports local communities with a variety of workforce development activities and employment services, including:
- Advice, guidance, and help with career planning.
- Job search, placement assistance, and access to labor market employment statistics.
- Opportunity to upgrade skills through education and training.
- Job seekers trained to meet employers’ local labor needs.
- Training and education for existing, full-time employees to continue developing their skills.
- Layoff aversion and rapid response employment and training services for dislocated workers.
- Help with completion of a high school diploma or its equivalent.
- Leadership development opportunities, including paid or unpaid work experience.
- Potential for higher wages and increased self-sufficiency as a result of education and training.
WIOA Guidance, Policy, and Notices
- US Department of Labor Training Employment Guidance Letters
- US Department of Labor Training Employment Notices
- EDD Workforce Services Directives
- EDD Workforce Services Information Notices
For More Information
- US Department of Labor Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act – Information and resources to assist with implementation of the Act.
- Workforce GPS – Technical assistance to help build the capacity of America's public workforce investment system.
Workforce Services
Find Jobs and Training for You
Access Employment Services
America’s Job Center of California helps employers find qualified workers and connects job seekers with openings. The service is free.
CalJOBSSM is the State of California’s online resource to help job seekers and employers navigate the state’s workforce services.
Additional Resources
Can’t find what you are looking for? View these resources for more information.