Eligible Training Provider List
The California Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) helps adults and people who have lost their jobs find training programs. The ETPL includes approved places that offer different types of training, including classes, online courses, and apprenticeships.
The ETPL was created by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and updated by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014.
The training providers on this list are funded through WIOA to help cover training costs. You can look at the ETPL Policy and Procedures (PDF) for more details.
- Visit CalJOBSSM.
- If you have a CalJOBS account, you do not need to sign in.
- If you don’t have an account and do not want to create one, continue with step two below.
- Select Visit the Eligible Training Provider List page for more information and to contact your coordinator.
- Select "Training Providers and Schools." The Provider Search will show up (you may also select ETPL Approved Programs for a list of all training providers). If you prefer to search by training program, select Training and Education Programs.
- Enter and/or select your search criteria.
- Choose Eligible Providers from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Eligible Training Provider dropdown menu.
- Select the Search button once your criteria have been entered.
- Select a provider from the list.
- Once you select a provider, the programs eligible for WIOA funding will display a green checkmark.
A supplemental job displacement benefit is a voucher that helps pay for education or skill training with a ETPL-listed provider. If you received a voucher, submit it directly to the eligible training provider.
For more information, refer to the Department of Industrial Relations.
You can also contact a local America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM for additional help and information.
If you are a training provider who would like to be added to the ETPL, you must register by creating an account on CalJOBS. After you register, the Local Workforce Development Boards will review your application. If approved as an eligible training provider, you can submit your training programs to be listed on the ETPL.
If you have any questions about your application, contact your Local Area ETPL Coordinator. If you're not sure who to contact, you can email wsbetpl@edd.ca.gov and include the address of your institution’s headquarters.
Local Area | ETPL Coordinator | Phone | |
Alameda | Angelica Garcia | anjelicag@oaklandpic.org | 510-414-8333 |
Anaheim | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 310-970-7700 |
Contra Costa | Jon Rodriguez Veronica Ramos |
jrodriguez@ehsd.cccounty.us vramos1@ehsd.cccounty.us |
925-671-4540 925-671-4538 |
Foothill | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 310-970-7700 |
Fresno |
Tim Giles |
tgiles@workforce-connection.com |
559-490-7130 |
Golden Sierra | Laura Bischoff Maria Frias |
310-970-7700 310-970-7700 |
Humboldt | Logan Ashworth Peggy Murphy |
lashworth@co.humboldt.ca.us pmurphy@co.humboldt.ca.us |
707-476-4803 707-476-4806 |
Imperial | Veronica Curiel Agundez Camilo Garcia |
veronicacuriel@co.imperial.ca.us camilogarcia@co.imperial.ca.us |
442-265-7584 442-265-4963 |
Kern Inyo Mono | Melanie Miller Patricia Garibay |
MillerMe@kerncounty.com garibayp@kerncounty.com |
661-336-6953 661-336-6863 |
Kings | Laura Magana Vince Velo |
laura.magana@co.kings.ca.us vincent.velo@co.kings.ca.us |
559-585-3564 559-585-3562 |
Los Angeles City | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 310-970-7700 |
Los Angeles County | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 310-970-7700 |
Pacific Gateway | Alisa Munoz Imad Awarke |
alisa.munoz@pacific-gateway.org Imad.Awarke@pacific-gateway.org |
562-570-3748 562-570-3685 |
Madera | Gail Lopez Maiknue Vang |
glopez@maderaworkforce.org mvang@maderaworkforce.org |
559-662-4588 559-662-4503 |
Merced | Yang Her Valente Huitron |
yang.her@countyofmerced.com vhuitron@countyofmerced.com |
209-724-2045 209-724-2142 |
Mother Lode | Nicole Hurtado James Hanson |
nhurtado@mljt.org jhanson@mljt.org |
209 536-4702 209-588-1150 ext. 4505 |
Monterey |
Flor Galvan |
galvanf@co.monterey.ca.us avakianl@co.monterey.ca.us |
831-796-6434 831-796-3505 |
North Bay (Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa) | Laura Davis Stefan Ochoa |
ldavis@workforcealliancenorthbay.org Sochoa@workforcealliancenorthbay.org | 707-699-1952 707-932-5169 |
North Central Counties Consortium | Liz Bosley Cindy Newton |
ebosley@ncen.org cnewton@ncen.org |
530-751-8207 530-751-8202 |
NoRTEC | Heather Chavez LeAnne Young |
h.chavez@ncen.org lyoung@ncen.org |
530-892-9600 530-892-9600 |
NOVA | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 310-970-7700 |
Oakland | Quinallison Dovey Honorata Lindsay |
QDovey@oaklandca.gov HLindsay@oaklandca.gov |
510-238-6457 510-238-3383 |
Orange | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 310-970-7700 |
Richmond | Angelica Garcia | anjelicag@oaklandpic.org | 510-414-8333 |
Riverside | Meta Berkebile Leslie Nguyen |
mberkebile@rivco.org lnguyen@rivco.org |
951-955-3100 951-955-4671 |
Sacramento | sacworkssupport@seta.net | ||
Santa Ana | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 310-970-7700 |
Santa Barbara | Colleen Brennan Anthony Garduno |
colleendianebrennan@gmail.com agardun@countyofsb.org |
805-681-4511 805-681-4758 |
San Benito | Ruby Soto | rsoto@cosb.us | 831-637-5627 |
San Bernardino County | Clarissa Jimenez | cjimenez@wdd.sbcounty.gov | 909-387-9824 |
South Bay | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 310-970-7700 |
Santa Cruz | Brenda Diaz-Rivas Andrew Stone |
Brenda.Diaz-Rivas@santacruzcountyca.gov Andy.Stone@santacruzcountyca.gov |
831-763-8856 831-763-8824 |
San Diego | Carolina Ponce Daniella Molina |
ETPL@workforce.org ETPL@workforce.org |
619-228-2997 619-228-2991 |
SELACO | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 562-402-9336 ext. 1256 |
San Francisco |
Alison Chan |
628-652-8485 |
San Joaquin | John Lutzow Douglas Francovich |
jlutzow@sjcworknet.org dfrancovich@sjcworknet.org |
209-468-3675 209-468-3502 |
San Jose | Henry Morado | Henry.morado@sanjoseca.gov | 408-794-1114 |
San Luis Obispo | Eddie Hernandez | edhernandez@co.slo.ca.us | 805-781-1932 |
Solano | Marion Aiken | maiken@solanowdb.org | 707-863-3594 |
Sonoma |
Nadia Venegas |
nvenegas@schsd.org cflorvera@schsd.org |
707-565-5809 707-565-3230 |
Stanislaus |
Greg Shuping |
ShupingG@stanworkforce.com BlantonE@stanworkforce.com |
209-558-2122 209-558-1202 |
Tulare |
Laura Hernandez Rangel |
559-713-5220 559-713-5253 |
Verdugo | Laura Bischoff | lbischoff@sbwib.org | 818-937-8054 |
Ventura | Don Frick Norman Albances |
Donald.frick@ventura.org norman.albances@ventura.org |
805-807-6645 805-289-8128 |
Yolo | Ashley Abreu Ahjanee Brown |
Ashley.abreu@yolocounty.gov Ahjanee.Brown@yolocounty.gov |
530-661-2662 530-661-2750 ext. 4469 |
Workforce Services
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America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM connects employers with job seekers at no cost.
CalJOBSSM is the State of California’s online job search system. Create an account, log in, and access services for employers and job seekers.
Additional Resources
Can’t find what you are looking for? View these resources for more information.