FAP TA and DE SFP Award – PY 23-24

Workforce Services Information Notice                                                         


Issued: May 17, 2024

The Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), has awarded  $962,701.50 from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Governor’s Discretionary Fund for the Farmworkers Advancement Program (FAP) Technical Assistance (TA) and Developmental Evaluation (DE) for Program Year 2023-24 (PY 23-24).

The selected organization will provide ongoing support, coaching, and technical assistance to the FAP PY 23-24 program awardees, focusing on skill development and upskilling tailored to the farmwokers specific needs. The TA DE awardee will be responsible for creating and documenting a robust framework that supports the transition of farmworkers into new roles and also serves as a blueprint for similar initiatives in the future.

The performance period is expected to last up to 22 months. The award list and project description is available on the EDD Workforce Development Solicitations for Proposals webpage. For inquiries about the FAP TA DE PY 23-24 grant solicitation, please email WSBSFP3@edd.ca.gov.

/s/ Kimberlee Meyer, Chief
Central Office Workforce Services Division

This FAP TA and DE for PY 23-24 is funded by a grant award totaling $962,701.50 (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.