Army Veteran Joins EDD Veteran Employment Specialists in Assisting Vets in Finding Post-Military Employment


Army veteran Luis Acosta first met Local Veteran Employment Representative (LVER) Aldo Arrunategui and Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist Chau Cagle during a virtual Veteran Orientation Workshop (VOW). At the workshop, Aldo and Chau shared information about the Employment Development Department’s (EDD) programs that help veterans find jobs.

At their first meeting, Aldo and Chau explained how they could help Luis. Luis said he wanted a full-time job after finishing his military service. He had served as a Military Police Officer with the U.S. Army Corrections Command in Washington, D.C., and worked as a regional recruiting officer. After the meeting, Aldo gave Luis helpful resources. These included job search websites, a brochure

with job market information, and a calendar of online workshops.

Aldo and Chau told Luis about two Employment Program Representative (EPR) jobs in Orange County. Luis planned to apply for both the DVOP and LVER positions. To help him get ready, Aldo helped Luis update his resume to match the job descriptions. They also practiced interview questions through a mock interview. Luis attended another online veterans' workshop, where he learned more about programs and certifications.

Luis then began working more closely with Chau through a case management program. This program gave him one-on-one support to help him find a job. While looking for work, Chau encouraged Luis to apply for Unemployment Insurance (UI) for former service members. Luis also asked about other EPR positions while waiting to hear about his UI claim.

After preparing, Luis interviewed for a DVOP position at the Garden Grove OC Workforce Solutions Office. After the interview, he sent thank-you cards and emails to the interview panel, as Aldo and Chau suggested. They also reminded Luis to tell his references that the employer might call them.

Luis received a conditional job offer, pending a background check. He thanked Aldo and Chau for their support during his job search. Both veteran representatives were excited to hear the news and happy to welcome Luis to their team. He started his new EPR role in October 2022.

Luis’s success shows how EDD staff helped him reach his goal. But it was Luis’s hard work and determination that made his success possible. Now that he has reached his goal, Luis looks forward to helping other veterans find careers.