Grant Forecast for Program Year 2024-25
Workforce Services Information Notice
Issued: August 16, 2024
The Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), has forecasted a list of Solicitations for Proposals (SFPs) that are anticipated to be released during the 2024-25 program year. The anticipated grants, dates, and award amounts are estimated and subject to change without notice.
General Funds
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program Evaluation (Eval) PY 22-23
Anticipated release: September 2024
The EMS Program Eval grant aims to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of EMS Corps Program projects. The Evaluator will lead the design and implementation of the evaluation plan for the EMS Corps program and is expected to provide data-driven recommendations to inform the decisions of the state leadership, intermediary, and the EMS Corps projects. The EDD anticipates awarding one organization for an award amount of $1 million.
Regional Investment Initiative (RII) Program Implementation Phase PY 24-25
Anticipated release: September 2024
EDD, in coordination with the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, will announce the availability of up to $135 million from the Regional Investment Initiative Program for the Regional Investment Initiative Implementation Phase. The Regional Investment Initiative (formerly known as the Community Economic Resilience Fund) was established by Senate Bill 162 (2021) and amended in Assembly Bill 2342 (2022). The Regional Investment Initiative funds regional economic development strategies that directly complement state and federal infrastructure investments in multiple sectors. The program focuses on strategies that prioritize equity, climate, job quality, and access, to bolster economic competitiveness and resilience. Applicants may apply for any amount up to $5 million.
WIOA 15%
Disability Access, Equity, and Inclusion (DAEI) Project Technical Assistance and Developmental Evaluation (TA DE) PY 23-24
Anticipated release: September 2024
The DAEI TA DE awardee will be responsible for providing meaningful TA to DAEI pilot awardees as they design, develop, and implement projects that support lasting cross-systems collaboration, co-enrollment, co-case management, and cross-training strategies between WIOA Title I and IV programs to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities (PWD) target population; and for conducting developmental evaluation that builds on lessons learned and memorializes recommendations for scaling successful strategies statewide. The EDD anticipates awarding one organization for an award amount of $1.5 million.
Opportunity Young Adult Career Pathway Program (OYACCP) PY 24-25 Round 2
Anticipated release: October 2024
The OYACCP grants will be awarded to design and implement projects that accelerate equity in employment into good-quality jobs in specific sectors such as health, infrastructure, public sector, agriculture, and manufacturing. Awardees will develop innovative employment strategies for OYAs facing significant employment barriers by combining closed industry sector training and education with trauma-informed and tailored wrap-around services. The EDD anticipates awarding thirteen to fifteen organizations for an award amount of $1.5 million up to $2 million.
Opportunity Young Adult (OYA) Evaluation and Technical Assistance (ETA) PY 24-25
Anticipated release: October 2024
The OYACCP TA grants will be awarded to ensure OYACCP projects are designed and implemented that accelerate equity in employment into good-quality jobs and develop innovative employment strategies for the target populations. In addition, the TA provider will be required to communicate with stakeholders who are involved in the development and implementation of the Education Master Plan. The EDD anticipates awarding one organization for an award amount of $1.7 million.
Farmworkers Advancement Program (FAP) PY 24-25 Round 2
Anticipated release: November 2024
The FAP grants are awarded to research, design, and implement projects that focus exclusively on farmworker needs at a regional level by offering essential skills training to continue working in the agricultural industry or prepare farmworkers for employment outside of the agricultural sector.
There will be two funding tracks for the projects:
- Track #1 applicants can apply for up to $1,000,000 for programs that demonstrate a track record of workforce outcomes. EDD estimates 5-7 awards.
- Track #2 applicants can apply for $350,000 to $500,000 to support program design, development, and early implementation for emerging programs and new program concepts. EDD estimates 5-8 programs.
Farmworkers Advancement Program (FAP) TA & Developmental Evaluation PY 24-25
Anticipated release: November 2024
This SFP aim is to award an entity to provide meaningful technical assistance and developmental evaluation to the FAP PY 24-25 program awardees with the continued development and refinement of projects that focus exclusively on farmworker needs at a regional level by offering essential skills and upskilling training to either advance in the agricultural industry and/or prepare for advancement outside of the agricultural sector. The EDD anticipates the release of this SFP in October 2024 and awarding one organization for an award amount of $1 million.
Pharmacy Technician and Allied Health Program (PY) 24-25
Anticipated release: December 2024
This grant may aim to expand and develop career education, apprenticeships, and pre-apprenticeships that recruit, train, and employ pharmacy technicians and allied health occupations prioritizing the inclusion of young adults who come from a disadvantaged or underrepresented background. The EDD anticipates the release of this SFP in November 2024. There will be two funding tracks for the projects:
- Track #1 will award one organization for up to $1,000,000 for programs that demonstrate a track record of engaging the retail industry to place individuals in quality jobs.
- Track #2 will award one organization for up to $1,000,000 to support program design, development, and early implementation for emerging programs and new program concepts in the community college system. This organization will be required to work in partnership with the California Community College Chancellor’s office and other state partners.
Employment Social Enterprise (ESE) Program Year (PY) 24-25 – Round 2
Anticipated release: January 2025
The ESE PY 22-23 grants will be awarded to design, develop, and implement programs to provide enhanced transitional employment services and support those facing significant employment barriers. The ESE awardees will promote job training opportunities and transitional employment through social enterprise programs for the hardest-to-serve individuals to provide economic self-sufficiency and life stability. The EDD anticipates awarding five to ten organizations for an award ceiling of up to $2 million.
Employment Social Enterprise (ESE) Technical Assistance (TA) Program Year (PY) 24-25
Anticipated release: January 2025
The ESE TA awardee will be responsible for providing meaningful technical assistance to ESE PY 24-25 program awardees as they plan and implement social enterprise projects that accelerate outcomes for underserved populations facing significant barriers to employment. The EDD anticipates awarding one organization for an award amount of $1 million.
Equity Evaluation Program Year (PY) 24-25
Anticipated release: February 2025
The purpose of this SFP is for the Evaluator to serve as a learning partner and provide data-driven recommendations to inform the decisions of the state leadership and Title I programs. The Evaluator should ensure the evaluation follows best practices for rigorous, transparent, and reproducible analysis for WIOA funded programs. The outputs of the evaluation, including progress reports and evaluation analysis reports, will inform adaptations, shifts, and recommendations to the work as new lessons emerge to support real-time feedback and learning. The EDD anticipates awarding one organization for an award amount of $2.9 million.
To remain up to date on grant information as it is made available, please visit the EDD SFP website and the California State Library Grants portal.
Central Office Workforce Services Division