Step 6: Manage Benefits
You must contact us right away if:
- You return to part-time or full-time work.
- You receive any wages. Report any work and wages—even if you were not paid yet.
- The care recipient recovers from their illness or injury.
- The care or bonding recipient dies.
Working part-time or reduced hours means you work fewer hours or days than usual, leading to a loss of wages.
- If you report working part-time while receiving PFL benefits, we will send you the Continued Claim Certification for Paid Family Leave Benefits (DE 2580GF).
- You must complete this form to confirm the time you worked.
- Your benefits may be adjusted based on hours worked.
- Your benefits will stop if you don’t submit the form online or return it by mail.
If you did not request a full 8 weeks of benefits in your initial claim, or you called us to reduce your initial 8-week claim, you may be eligible to take the unused time before the 12-month claim period ends. To access these benefits:
Care Claims
- Fill out the PFL Claimant’s Certification section of the Paid Family Leave (PFL) Supplemental Claim Certification (DE 2525XFA) which will be sent to you after your initial claim ends.
- Have the care recipient’s physician/practitioner complete the Physician/Practitioner’s Supplementary Certificate section.
Request a new form through AskEDD or call 1-877-238-4373.
Bonding Claims
You must submit a Request to Re-establish a Bonding Claim for Paid Family Leave (DE 2504RE) online or by mail to get the remainder of you benefits.
Military Assist Claims
Order and submit a new Claim for Paid Family Leave (PFL) Benefits (DE 2501F) form. Include proof of the new qualifying event or the extension of the current event period and return it to us.
To order forms, visit Online Forms and Publications.