

California Added 15,000 Jobs in December


NR No. 25-06
Contact: Loree Levy/Greg Lawson

Important Note: The employment data for the month of December 2024 comes from the survey week that included December 12. Data for January is scheduled for release on March 14, 2025, due to the annual process of benchmarking data.

Unemployment Rate Increased Slightly to 5.5 Percent in December

SACRAMENTO — California gained 15,000 nonfarm payroll jobs1 in December 2024 and the unemployment rate rose slightly to 5.5 percent2, according to the latest Employment Development Department (EDD) data coming from two separate surveys. December’s job gain follows a downward-revised job gain of 9,600 for November.

The unemployment rate starts at 5.1% in December 2023, rises to 5.4% in November 2024, and reaches 5.5% in December 2024.
he total payroll jobs start at 17,948,900 in December 2023, increase to 18,114,400 in November 2024, and further rise to 18,129,400 in December 2024.

California's Labor Market, by the Numbers...

  • Nonfarm jobs grew nearly every month in 2024 (other than small February and August losses)—with a year-to-date gain of 180,500 jobs.

  • The job market expansion reached 56 months in December 2024. California gained 3,195,900 jobs since April 2020, averaging 57,070 jobs per month.

  • California’s unemployment rate had a year-over increase of 0.4 percent in December 2024 compared to a 0.3 percent increase nationally.

  • Seven of California's 11 industry sectors gained jobs in December with Leisure & Hospitality (+7,500) being the highest-gaining industry group thanks to an increased demand in Amusement Parks and Arcades as well as in recreation-related sectors.

  • Information (+4,900) saw a gain for the second consecutive month, mostly due to increases in Motion Picture and Video Production.

  • Trade, Transportation, & Utilities (+1,200) saw an increase as Wholesale Trade, and Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities posted above average December gains and activity in California ports increased.
    Professional & Business Services (-3,000) showed the largest month-over reduction due mostly to losses in Specialized Design Services and Computer Systems Design and Related Services.

1. The nonfarm payroll job numbers come from a federal survey of 80,000 California businesses. 

2. The unemployment rate comes from a separate federal survey of 4,400 California households.

Data Trends about Jobs in the Economy

Total Nonfarm Payroll Jobs (Comes from a monthly survey of approximately 80,000 California businesses that estimates jobs in the economy – seasonally adjusted)

  • Month-over — Total nonfarm jobs in California’s 11 major industries amounted to 18,129,400 in December – a net gain of 15,000 from November. This followed November’s downward revision of 1,500 jobs, resulting in a month-over November gain of 9,600 jobs.
  • Year-over — Total nonfarm jobs increased by 180,500 (a 1.0 percent increase) from December 2023 to December 2024 compared to the U.S. annual gain of 2,232,000 jobs (a 1.4 percent increase).

Color representation of data presented in California Industries Payroll by Biggest Month-Over Change accordion table

Major Industries Month-over Change (Nov. 2024–Dec. 2024) Year-over Change (Dec. 2023–Dec. 2024) Total Payroll Jobs as of Dec. 2024
Leisure and Hospitality +7,500 +17,100 2,048,400
Information +4,900 -11,000 524,400
Other Services +3,100 +3,200 601,900
Government +2,200 +56,700 2,684,900
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities +1,200 +23,900 3,130,400
Financial Activities +1,100 +2,300 812,700
Private Education and Health Services +300 +129,400 3,314,400
Mining and Logging -100 -100 19,800
Construction -900 -12,400 921,300
Manufacturing -1,300 -45,700 1,291,000
Professional and Business Services -3,000 +17,100 2,780,200

Total Farm Jobs — The number of jobs in the agriculture industry increased from November by 3,300 to a total of 422,500 jobs in December. The agriculture industry had 25,900 fewer farm jobs in December 2024 than it did in December of last year.

Data Trends about Workers in the Economy

Employment and Unemployment in California (Based on a monthly federal survey of 4,400 California households which focuses on workers in the economy)

  • Employed — The number of Californians employed in December was 18,338,100, a decrease of 3,100 persons from November’s total of 18,341,200 and down 13,800 from the employment total in December 2023.
  • Unemployed — The number of unemployed Californians was 1,061,300 in December, an increase of 6,000 over the month and up 71,000 in comparison to December 2023.
Color representation of data presented in Unemployment Insurance Claims (not seasonally adjusted) accordion table
California Labor Force Month-over Change (November 2024–December 2024) Year-over Change (December 2023–December 2024)
* Civilian Labor Force (19,399,400) +2,900 +57,300
Total Civilian Employment (18,338,100) -3,100 -13,800
Unemployment (1,061,300) +6,000 +71,000

* Labor force by place of residence, including workers involved in trade disputes.

Unemployment Insurance Claims (Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The following data is from a sample week that includes the 19th of each month:

In related data that figures into the State’s unemployment rate, there were 398,795 people certifying for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits during the December 2024 sample week. That compares to 364,202 people in November and 376,872 people in December 2023. Concurrently, 49,015 initial claims were processed in the December 2024 sample week, which was a month-over increase of 736 claims from November as well as a year-over increase of 465 claims from December 2023.

Color representation of data presented in Unemployment Insurance Claims (not seasonally adjusted) accordion table

California Unemployment Insurance Claims Month-over Change (November 2024–December 2024) Year-over Change (December 2023–December 2024)
UI Recipients (398,795) +34,593 +21,923
New UI Claims (49,015) +736 +465
December 2024 (Preliminary); 2023 Benchmark
STATE TOTAL 19,324,000 18,320,900 1,003,100 5.2%
ALAMEDA 822,900 785,900 36,900 4.5%
ALPINE 570 540 30 5.8%
AMADOR 14,530 13,750 780 5.3%
BUTTE 93,500 88,200 5,200 5.6%
CALAVERAS 22,640 21,630 1,010 4.4%
COLUSA 10,580 8,930 1,650 15.6%
CONTRA COSTA 548,700 523,500 25,200 4.6%
DEL NORTE 9,240 8,660 580 6.2%
EL DORADO 94,400 90,300 4,100 4.3%
FRESNO 461,900 425,200 36,600 7.9%
GLENN 12,790 11,970 820 6.4%
HUMBOLDT 61,200 58,200 2,900 4.8%
IMPERIAL 74,800 61,500 13,300 17.8%
INYO 8,610 8,270 340 3.9%
KERN 395,600 362,800 32,800 8.3%
KINGS 59,700 54,700 5,000 8.4%
LAKE 28,980 27,070 1,900 6.6%
LASSEN 8,410 7,930 490 5.8%
LOS ANGELES 5,015,900 4,730,300 285,600 5.7%
MADERA 67,400 62,200 5,200 7.7%
MARIN 131,000 126,500 4,500 3.5%
MARIPOSA 7,570 7,160 410 5.4%
MENDOCINO 37,520 35,520 2,000 5.3%
MERCED 120,400 108,900 11,500 9.5%
MODOC 3,160 2,940 230 7.1%
MONO 8,230 7,870 360 4.4%
MONTEREY 209,700 191,900 17,800 8.5%
NAPA 70,400 67,400 3,000 4.3%
NEVADA 48,950 46,930 2,020 4.1%
ORANGE 1,587,700 1,527,700 60,000 3.8%
PLACER 196,200 188,400 7,800 4.0%
PLUMAS 7,090 6,510 580 8.1%
RIVERSIDE 1,172,300 1,113,200 59,100 5.0%
SACRAMENTO 737,200 702,500 34,700 4.7%
SAN BENITO 32,000 29,800 2,100 6.6%
SAN BERNARDINO 1,026,500 976,900 49,600 4.8%
SAN DIEGO 1,593,600 1,524,800 68,800 4.3%
SAN FRANCISCO 552,100 532,800 19,300 3.5%
SAN JOAQUIN 361,300 338,200 23,100 6.4%
SAN LUIS OBISPO 134,100 129,100 5,000 3.7%
SAN MATEO 436,700 422,200 14,500 3.3%
SANTA BARBARA 214,700 205,000 9,800 4.5%
SANTA CLARA 1,029,400 990,300 39,100 3.8%
SANTA CRUZ 131,000 122,700 8,300 6.3%
SHASTA 74,900 70,800 4,000 5.4%
SIERRA 1,360 1,280 70 5.4%
SISKIYOU 16,210 15,030 1,180 7.3%
SOLANO 204,700 194,200 10,500 5.1%
SONOMA 247,800 238,000 9,800 4.0%
STANISLAUS 248,500 231,500 17,000 6.8%
SUTTER 47,400 43,500 4,000 8.4%
TEHAMA 26,130 24,480 1,650 6.3%
TRINITY 4,600 4,330 270 5.8%
TULARE 215,000 193,000 22,000 10.2%
TUOLUMNE 20,720 19,680 1,050 5.1%
VENTURA 412,300 392,900 19,400 4.7%
YOLO 110,600 104,700 5,800 5.3%
YUBA 32,800 30,500 2,300 6.9%