Funding Opportunities
Find grants and information to help workers and their communities.
Workforce Development Solicitation for Proposals
We issue Solicitation for Proposals (SFP) to provide funding for projects and programs that align with the state’s workforce development goals and employment needs. You can find funding announcements, SFP packets, lists of awarded grants, project details, and more.
Other State and Federal Grant Resources
Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Grants
Browse federal grants that support a variety of workforce development and employment-related initiatives.
Search for and apply to grants from many federal agencies throughout the US government.
A one-stop website to search grants and loans offered on a competitive or first-come basis by California state agencies.
Workforce Services
Find Jobs and Training for You
Access Employment Services
America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM connects employers with job seekers at no cost.
CalJOBSSM is the State of California’s online job search system. Create an account, log in, and access services for employers and job seekers.
Additional Resources
Can’t find what you are looking for? View these resources for more information.