
Avoid Unemployment Insurance Payment Delays, Overpayments, and Penalties

After you file for unemployment benefits, you must certify for benefits every two weeks to keep receiving payments. This means providing the EDD information to show you are still eligible.

If you think you made a mistake on your certification form, contact us right away.

Complete and sign your certification form.

  • If your form is incomplete or unsigned, the EDD will send a Continued Claim Form (DE 4581CTO) (PDF) with instructions and the reason you’re getting the form again.
  • To avoid problems, certify through UI Online or call EDD Tele-Cert at 1-866-333-4606.

Submit your certification on time to avoid payment delays or denials.

  • If you submit late, you will be scheduled for a phone interview or receive an electronic determination (E-DET) and your benefits could be denied.
  • If you submit early by mail, your payment may be delayed. The EDD will send you a new Continued Claim Form (DE 4581CTO) (PDF).

For faster certification, use UI Online or call EDD Tele-Cert at 1-866-333-4606.

If you certify by mail:

  • Submit your form within 14 days of the Complete and Mail This Form On date above Question 1 on the form.

Report your work, wages, and other income correctly to avoid overpayments and penalties.

  • Report your gross wages (total wages before taxes) for both full-time and part-time work. Note: Report these wages for the week you worked, not the week you were paid.
  • Include all other types of gross income, like vacation pay, severance pay, residuals, commissions, or bonuses.
  • If you are self-employed or an independent contractor, report net earnings (total wages after taxes).

For help reporting your wages using UI Online, watch our UI Online Videos.

If you use a paper certification form, visit How to Report Work and Wages and FAQs - Reporting Work and Wages.

To keep getting benefits, most people are required to search for work. We suggest keeping a record of your job search dates and employer contacts. You may need this information for future eligibility interviews.

For job opportunities and training information, visit America’s Job Center of California.

To get benefits, you must be able, available, and willing to work. If you do not meet these requirements, your benefits may be denied. The EDD will review your situation and make an eligibility decision based on current state and federal laws.

  • Able to work: If you are too sick or injured to work, list the days you couldn’t work when certifying.
  • Available to work: If you are not available, your eligibility can be affected. Common reasons you may not be available to work include vacation, caring for a sick family member, or not having childcare or transportation.
  • Accept suitable work: This means work that fits your skills or education. If you refuse suitable work, your benefit payments could be delayed or denied.

We track new hires, rehires, and benefit payments that match new employment records. If you return to work, report it to the EDD immediately. This will help you avoid overpayments and penalties.

  • If you’re working part-time or are on-call, you may be eligible for reduced benefits.
  • If you no longer need benefits, contact us or just stop certifying.