New State-Imposed CalJOBS Demographic Data Collection

Workforce Services Information Notice                                                         


Issued: November 1, 2019

Assembly Bill (AB) 677 requires the Employment Development Department (EDD) to collect voluntary self-identification data about sexual orientation and gender identity when collecting demographic data. Beginning December 6, 2019, America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC) staff and customers will see changes in the CalJOBSSM individual registration process to collect new demographic questions about sex orientation and gender identity.

Image of demographic questions with questions about gender identity and sexual orientation highlighted

The Statewide Training Unit will be hosting webinars in November to provide information to AJCC staff regarding the state law, the new demographic questions in CalJOBS, and the best practices for staff when asking about sensitive personal information. Specific training dates and times will be communicated by the Statewide Training Unit.

If you have any questions related to the CalJOBS system changes, please contact the CalJOBS Operations Unit at

If you have any questions related to training, please contact the Statewide Training Unit at

Central Office Workforce Services Division