
Toolbox for Job Seekers

The Toolbox for Job Seekers provides tools and resources for California’s job seekers to assist in their job search, career exploration, and training needs.

America’s Job Centers of CaliforniaSM

  • America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs) offer free services and resources for job seekers. Most AJCC centers provide:
    • Staff who can help you with skills assessments, job plans, and career planning.
    • Workshops on writing resumes, cover letters, job searching, and practicing interviews.
    • Information about local jobs and in-demand careers.
    • Access to training and work experience opportunities.
  • To find your nearest AJCC, visit CareerOneStop’s American Job Center Finder.


CalJOBS is an online resource where you can find thousands of job listings and manage your career.

Benefits of CalJOBS include:

  • Find education and training programs.
  • Customize and perform job searches.
  • Create different resumes and cover letters for specific jobs or career paths.
  • Make certain resumes viewable to specific employers.
  • Research employers and learn about the job market.
  • Set up alerts for job openings. View The Virtual Recruiter for Individuals (Video) to learn more.
  • Apply for job openings.
  • Find information about Unemployment Insurance and other services.
  • Download the mobile app using Google Play or the App Store.

Career Exploration Tools

Training Tools