Step 3: Submit Required Documents

If you apply for Paid Family Leave online through myEDD, you must submit additional documents to complete your application.

To upload your documents:

  • Scan and save documents as PDF, JPG, TIF, or TIFF files. Follow these steps:
    1. Log in to myEDD and select SDI Online.
    2. Select New Claim on the main menu.
    3. Select the menu option for your claim:
      • Submit Paid Family Leave Bonding Attachment
      • Submit Electronic Paid Family Leave Care Attachment
      • Submit Paid Family Leave Military Assist Attachment
    4. Select your receipt number.
    5. Select Browse, attach your documents.
    6. Select Submit to complete the process.
  • If you’re unable to upload your documents, submit them by mail using the address provided under the Mail section on your Confirmation Information screen.

Important: Your application will not be processed if it is incomplete or missing documents.

Note: If you apply by mail, include the required documents with your application in the pre-addressed envelope provided.

Visit Step 1: Get Your Information in Order for more information about required documents.