
2023 年 4 月加州失業率小幅上升


NR 序號: 23-22
聯絡人: Loree Levy/Aubrey Henry

重要説明: 2023 年 4 月的就業數據取自包括 4 月 12 日在內的取樣週。 5 月份的數據定於 2023 年 6 月 16 日發布。 

雇主增加了 67,000 個非農就業崗位

薩克拉門托—加州就業發展局(EDD)今天公佈的兩項調查數據顯示,加州的失業率在 2023 年 3 月至 2023 年 4 月期間上升了 0.1%至 4.5%1,同時加州雇主為經濟活動增加了 67,000 個非 農就業崗位 2

The California unemployment rate was 4.5 percent in April 2023, up 0.1 percent from March 2023’s rate of 4.4 percent.
California payroll jobs totaled 19,404,300 in April 2023, up 32,700 from March 2023 and up 157,500 from April


  • 自 2020 年 4 月開始直至當前的經濟擴張以來,加州已經增加了 3,120,000 個工作崗位, 在此期間每月平均增加 86,667 個工作崗位。
  • 加利福尼亞州 11 個行業中的 10 個在 4 月份呈現就業增加趨勢,其中私立教育和醫療服務 (+21,700)領引增長,個人和家庭服務行業亦顯著上升。
  • 在表演藝術、觀眾體育及相關行業,在食品服務和飲酒場所行業組合推動下,休閒和酒店 業(+13,100)實現了第二大月度增長。
  • 由於機動車和零件經銷商、加油站和燃料經銷商、卡車運輸和運輸相關活動的強勁表現, 貿易、運輸和公用事業實現了顯著的月度增長(+10,300) 。
  • 採礦和伐木業(-100)是唯一月度就業人數下降的行業,儘管與 2022 年 4 月相比,該行業 的就業總數保持淨增長(+300) 。

1. 失業率來自對 5,100 戶加州家庭的單獨聯邦調查。

2. 非農就業人數來自對 80,000 家加州企業的聯邦調查。


非農就業崗位總數 (數據來自對大約 80,000 家加州企業的月度調查,該調查評估經濟活動中 的就業崗位——經過季節性調整) 。

  • 月環比—4 月份加州 11 個主要行業的非農就業崗位總數為 18,038,000 個——比 3 月份淨 增 67,000 個。這數字是繼 3 月份就業崗位向上修正(+3,200)為 11,900 個後得出的。
  • 年同比—從 2022 年 4 月到 2023 年 4 月,加州非農就業崗位總數增加了 426,000 個(增 長 2.4% ),而美國每年增加 3,995,000 個(增長 2.6% )。


Major Industries Month-over Change (March 2023–April 2023) Year-over Change (April 2022–April 2023) Total Payroll Jobs as of April 2023

Private Education and Health Services

+21,700 +159,300 3,063,200

Leisure and Hospitality

+13,100 +132,400 2,034,600

Trade, Transp., Utilities

+10,300 +8,600 3,153,800

Professional and Business Services

+7,600 +42,200 2,906,800


+4,500 +54,700 2,575,700

Other Services

+4,000 +20,900 580,600

Financial Activities 

+3,100 +2,900 848,600


+2,100 -5,100 907,400


+500 -2,400 602,700


+200 +12,200 1,344,600

Mining and Logging

-100 +300 20,000

Total Farm jobs – The number of jobs in the agriculture industry decreased from March by 2,100 to to a total of 432,800 jobs in April. The agricultural industry had 10,000 more farm jobs in April 2023 than it did in April a year ago.

Data Trends about Workers in the Economy

Employment and Unemployment in California (Based on a monthly federal survey of 5,100 California households which focuses on workers in the economy)

  • Employed – The number of Californians employed in April was 18,536,600, an increase of 25,200 persons from March’s total of 18,511,400, and up 81,200 from the employment total in April
  • Unemployed – The number of unemployed Californians was 867,600 in April, an increase of 7,400 over the month and up 76,100 in comparison to April 2022.
California Labor Force Month-over Change (March 2023–April 2023) Year-over Change (April 2022–April 2023)
* Civilian Labor Force (19,404,300) +32,700 +157,500
Total Civilian Employment (18,536,600) +25,200 +81,200
Unemployment (867,600) +7,400 +76,100

* Labor force by place of residence, including workers involved in trade disputes.

Unemployment Insurance Claims (Not Seasonally Adjusted)

The following data is from a sample week that includes the 19th of each month: In related data that figures into the state’s unemployment rate, there were 427,741 people certifying for Unemployment Insurance benefits during the April 2023 sample week. That compares to 414,119 people in March and 345,743 people in April 2022. Concurrently, 42,337 initial claims were processed in the April 2023 sample week, which was a month-over increase of 13,622 claims from March and also a year-over increase of 81,998 claims from April 2022.

California Unemployment Insurance Claims Month-over Change (March 2023–April 2023) Year-over Change (April 2022–April 2023)
UI Recipients (427,741) +13,622 +81,998
New UI Claims (42,337) -4,455 -1,216


April 2023 (Preliminary); 2022 Benchmark
STATE TOTAL 19,307,900 18,481,800 826,100 4.3%
ALAMEDA 824,100 795,800 28,300 3.4%
ALPINE 530 500 30 6.0%
AMADOR 14,210 13,520 690 4.9%
BUTTE 92,100 87,600 4,500 4.9%
CALAVERAS 21,970 21,110 860 3.9%
COLUSA 10,230 8,710 1,520 14.8%
CONTRA COSTA 549,500 530,000 19,600 3.6%
DEL NORTE 9,180 8,690 490 5.3%
EL DORADO 94,000 90,600 3,400 3.6%
FRESNO 462,300 427,900 34,400 7.4%
GLENN 12,500 11,730 770 6.2%
HUMBOLDT 59,400 56,900 2,500 4.2%
IMPERIAL 69,100 59,400 9,700 14.1%
INYO 8,200 7,910 290 3.5%
KERN 395,600 362,900 32,800 8.3%
KINGS 57,600 52,800 4,800 8.3%
LAKE 27,750 26,270 1,490 5.4%
LASSEN 8,730 8,280 450 5.1%
LOS ANGELES 4,990,800 4,765,300 225,500 4.5%
MADERA 65,800 60,900 4,900 7.4%
MARIN 130,600 126,900 3,700 2.8%
MARIPOSA 7,140 6,770 370 5.1%
MENDOCINO 35,970 34,330 1,640 4.6%
MERCED 116,900 105,600 11,300 9.7%
MODOC 3,150 2,930 220 6.8%
MONO 8,440 8,130 310 3.6%
MONTEREY 232,500 215,500 17,000 7.3%
NAPA 71,500 69,200 2,300 3.2%
NEVADA 47,220 45,480 1,740 3.7%
ORANGE 1,595,300 1,546,800 48,500 3.0%
PLACER 195,300 189,000 6,400 3.3%
PLUMAS 7,060 6,440 620 8.7%
RIVERSIDE 1,142,400 1,095,100 47,300 4.1%
SACRAMENTO 733,100 704,200 28,900 3.9%
SAN BENITO 32,700 30,800 1,900 5.8%
SAN BERNARDINO 1,000,400 959,700 40,700 4.1%
SAN DIEGO 1,599,200 1,546,500 52,700 3.3%
SAN FRANCISCO 574,900 559,300 15,500 2.7%
SAN JOAQUIN 344,700 324,600 20,100 5.8%
SAN LUIS OBISPO 139,100 134,900 4,200 3.0%
SAN MATEO 454,700 443,300 11,500 2.5%
SANTA BARBARA 228,200 219,700 8,400 3.7%
SANTA CLARA 1,044,400 1,013,700 30,700 2.9%
SANTA CRUZ 134,400 126,400 8,100 6.0%
SHASTA 73,400 69,800 3,700 5.0%
SIERRA 1,270 1,200 70 5.8%
SISKIYOU 16,200 15,190 1,010 6.3%
SOLANO 201,900 193,400 8,500 4.2%
SONOMA 249,300 241,500 7,900 3.2%
STANISLAUS 243,600 228,500 15,100 6.2%
SUTTER 47,200 43,400 3,800 8.1%
TEHAMA 25,190 23,720 1,460 5.8%
TRINITY 4,340 4,080 260 6.0%
TULARE 213,700 192,900 20,800 9.7%
TUOLUMNE 19,300 18,360 940 4.9%
VENTURA 416,900 402,100 14,900 3.6%
YOLO 110,200 105,500 4,800 4.3%
YUBA 32,200 30,100 2,100 6.4%