
Quick Statistics Overview

Crunch the numbers with us.

We know data can be overwhelming, so let’s break it down together. Easily find statistics on things like unemployment rates, how many people get unemployment, how many new claims there are, and so much more.

Quick Statistics

This page lists popular information like unemployment rates. Usually, this information is requested by the media, schools, employers, and people looking for jobs.

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Information by County

This page breaks unemployment information down by regional county. It includes things like how many people get unemployment, the number of new claims, how much money is being paid, and how many people have used all their benefits.

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Unemployment Fund Forecast

Get the status of the Unemployment Insurance Fund. You’ll see how much money is in it, how much has been received and paid, and contribution rates.

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Disability Fund Forecast

Get information about the Disability Insurance Fund, like how much money is in the fund, how much money is coming in, and how much is being paid for State Disability Insurance.

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Quick Statistics Definitions

Need help understanding what a certain term means? We’ve got you. Review  these definitions to get a better understanding of what you’re reading.

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EDD Open Data Portal

Find and download data on industries, jobs, wages, and more in California. Use it to understand California’s economy, make informed job market decisions, and support a growing workforce.

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