
Step 1: Get Your Information in Order

Your application tells us who you are, where you worked, how much you earned, and why you are no longer working. Start by gathering this information:

  • Personal Information: Your name, birth date, address, Social Security number, photo identification (such as driver's license, ID card, or passport), and another identity document (such as W2, utility bill, or birth certificate). To avoid delays, your information should match what’s on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or Social Security Administration. View the full list of acceptable documents for identity verification.

  • Past 18 Months of Employment Information: Employer names, mailing and physical addresses, dates worked, gross wages (total before taxes and deductions), hours worked, and how you were paid (such as weekly or monthly).

  • Most Recent Employer Information: Contact information (name, address, and phone number) for your most recent employer and your immediate supervisor, the date when you last worked for this last employer, and gross wages in the “last week” you worked. Last week means Sunday until Saturday.

  • Reason You Aren’t Working (or had your hours cut): If you voluntarily quit or were fired (sometimes called terminated, discharged, or let go) for misconduct, you may not be eligible for benefits.

  • Citizenship: If you are registered with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) as a non-citizen, you’ll need your USCIS document, such as your Permanent Resident Card, Employment Authorization Card, or Refugee Travel Document.

  • Federal Employment: If you worked for the federal government during the last 18 months, you’ll need your Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Insurance, Standard Form 8.

  • Military Service: If you served in the military in the last 18 months, you’ll need your DD214 Member Copy 4.

If you have questions about gathering this information, take a look at our How to Apply for Unemployment (DE 2321) guide or these Frequently Asked Questions.

Now you’re ready to apply!