
Workforce Services FAQs for Employers

Access Training

The Employment Training Panel (ETP) is a business- and labor-supported State agency that helps employers develop their workforce. The ETP provides funding to help offset the costs of job skills training necessary to grow and maintain high-performance workplaces.

Find Qualified New Hires

You can use the online job center, CalJOBSSM to post job openings and search for qualified candidates. You can register online to create a CalJOBS account or you can get help from a local America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC). An AJCC can help you post new job openings and provide recruitment support so you can find qualified workers.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Yes, under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program, an employer can receive a tax credit of up to $9,000 ($1,500 for summer youth) for each employee hired from a targeted group.

For additional information, refer to our WOTC FAQs.

Find Jobs and Training for You

Access Employment Services

America’s Job Center of California helps employers find qualified workers and connects job seekers with openings. The service is free.


CalJOBSSM is the State of California’s online resource to help job seekers and employers navigate the state’s workforce services.

Additional Resources

Can’t find what you are looking for? View these resources for more information.