Disability Equity, Access, and Inclusion Technical Assistance and Developmental Evaluation SFP Award – PY 24-25

Workforce Services Information Notice

Issued: December 20, 2024

The Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Department of Rehabilitation, is pleased to announce the award of $1,499,883 from the state of California’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation Funds for the Disability Equity, Access, and Inclusion (DAEI) Technical Assistance (TA) and Developmental Evaluation (DE) Program Year 2024-25 (PY 24-25) to Loyola Marymount University (LMU). LMU will provide technical assistance to DAEI pilot awardees supporting their efforts to implement projects that enhance collaboration, co-enrollment, and co-case management between WIOA Title I and IV programs to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities (PWD) target population, and for conducting a developmental evaluation that builds on lessons learned and memorializes recommendations for scaling successful strategies statewide.

The DAEI TA DE grant aims to increase access, equity, and inclusion of PWD in WIOA Title I and other workforce development programming and improve employment outcomes for this target population by providing necessary guidance and support to pilot awardees in developing successful DAEI programs. LMU will be responsible for creating and sustaining a larger collaborative community centered upon the integrated service delivery model and the goals and objectives of the DAEI pilot. This includes facilitating connectivity among pilot awardees, assistance with coordinating local and regional connectivity to develop grantee networks, developing successful strategies, sharing best practices, and identifying and addressing challenges as they occur throughout the life of the grant.

The EDD expects the performance period to be approximately 36 months. Information about the awardee and a description of their project is available on the EDD Workforce Development Solicitations for Proposals webpage.

For questions regarding the DAEI TA DE PY 24-25 grant solicitation, please email WSBSFP3@edd.ca.gov.

Central Office Workforce Services Division

Federal Funding Disclosure: This DAEI TA and DE for PY 24-25 is funded by a grant award totaling $1,499,883 (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.