State Negotiated Performance Goals PY 22 and 23

Workforce Services Information Notice

Issued: June 14, 2022


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 116(b) requires states to reach an agreement with the US Department of Labor (DOL) on state-level performance goals for the Wagner-Peyser, and WIOA Title IB Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs every two years.


In May 2022, the State negotiated the performance goals with the DOL for Program Years (PY) 2022 and 2023.


The Employment Development Department will negotiate levels of performance for the same five WIOA primary indicators of performance with Local Areas for PY 2022 and 2023.

PY 2022 and 2023 Negotiated Performance Goals
Indicators Adults Dislocated Workers Youth Wagner-Peyser

Employment Rate 2nd Quarter After Exit

(Includes placement in education for Youth)
64.0% 68.0% 67.7% 57.6%

Employment Rate 4th Quarter After Exit

(Includes placement in education for Youth)
61.0% 66.5% 65.7% 55.8%
Median Earnings 2nd Quarter After Exit $7,000 $8,508 $3,870 $7,584
Credential Attainment 65.5% 68.6% 60.4% N/A
Measurable Skill Gains 55.0% 55.0% 57.8% N/A

The State will take into account the following factors when negotiating performance goals with the Local Areas:

  • How the levels compare with the negotiated levels of performance established for the state.
  • Ensure the negotiated levels account for the economic conditions and the participant characteristics based on the Statistical Adjustment Model.
  • The levels promote continuous improvement of the indicators of performance.


For more information on the Performance Negotiation process, please review the Workforce Services Directive State Level Performance Goals and Local Area Negotiations (WSD19-11).


If you have questions related to this information, contact the Program Reporting and Analysis Unit at


Central Office Workforce Services Division