Farmworkers Advancement Program Award – PY 23-24

Workforce Services Information Notice                                                         


Issued: February 6, 2024

The Employment Development Department (EDD), on behalf of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, is delighted to announce the award of $8,996,417.62 in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Governor’s discretionary funds for the Farmworkers Advancement Program (FAP) grant for Program Year 2023-24 (PY 23-24) Solicitation for Proposals.

The goal of this grant program is to address multiple existing and emerging gaps in the current workforce system for the agricultural industry and farmworker communities across California, including service gaps in public workforce services and gaps in education and training delivery, as well as job quality challenges in the agriculture industry.

The twelve FAP PY 23-24 awardees will research, design, and implement projects that focus exclusively on farmworker needs at a regional level by offering essential skills and upskilling training to either advance in the agricultural industry and/or prepare for advancement outside of the agricultural sector.  The funds from this grant will support programs that position farmworkers to obtain access to good-quality jobs including jobs that pay family sustaining wages, offer benefits, have predictable hours, opportunities for career advancement, and worker voice. Projects will also provide wrap-around support and resources to build skills to prevent job loss and lay the foundation for upward mobility.

The EDD expects that the performance period will be between 18-24 months. A list of the awardees and descriptions of their projects is available on the EDD Workforce Development Solicitations for Proposals webpage. 

If you have any questions regarding the FAP grant solicitation, please email

Central Office Workforce Services Division

Federal Funding Disclosure: This Equity Target Population Fund Grant Program is funded by a grant award totaling $9 million (100%) from the U.S. Department of Labor, with $0 (0%) financed from non-federal sources.