DOGWF SFP Award – PY 23-24

Workforce Services Information Notice                                                         


Issued: February 2, 2024

The Employment Development Department (EDD), in coordination with the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA), is pleased to announce the award of $26,766,810.50 from the State of California General Fund for the Displaced Oil and Gas Workers Fund (DOGWF) Program Year 2023-24 (PY 23-24) Solicitation for Proposal (SFP). The DOGWF PY 23-24 grant will address the needs of displaced workers in the oil and gas sector. These funds will support these workers in transitioning into sectors that match their skills and expertise and offer comparable wages.

The core aim of this funding is to pioneer initiatives that guide displaced Oil and Gas workers into new jobs and career trajectories. The focus is not just to provide training and job opportunities but to support displaced oil and gas workers with their transition into new roles that are stable and offer growth potential. The mission extends beyond singular sectors, with a commitment to securing stable, well-compensated, and gratifying roles for these workers across diverse industries.

The awarded organizations will lead initiatives that align with the objectives of assisting workers affected by the transition away from the oil and gas industry. The primary focus of the grant is to guide these workers into high-quality, careers. These jobs not only offer economic stability and clear pathways for mobility but also respect the contributions of workers and provide them with a voice in the workplace by allowing awardees the flexibility to explore various strategies that best suit their goals and the needs of the workers they aim to support.

The EDD expects the performance period to be up to 33 months. Information about the awardee and descriptions of their project is available on the EDD Workforce Development Solicitation for Proposals website.

If you have questions regarding the DOGWF PY 23-24 solicitation, please email

Central Office Workforce Services Division