NR No. 25-12
Contact: Loree Levy/Greg Lawson
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Requirement to Submit Documentation Extended to 90 Days
What You Need to Know: Los Angeles County workers, business owners, and self-employed people affected by the California firestorms now have until Tuesday, June 10, 2025, to apply for federal Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA). All required documentation to support that the applicant was working or self-employed when the disaster occurred must be submitted within 90 days from the mail date of their notice that states a supporting document is needed.
SACRAMENTO — The deadline has been extended for Los Angeles (LA) County workers affected by the California firestorms to apply for federal Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA).
The new deadline to apply for DUA is Tuesday, June 10, 2025 – extended from the original March 10 deadline. The Employment Development Department (EDD) which processes federal DUA claims received notification of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) approval from the U.S. Department of Labor of the application extension, as well as an extended 90-day deadline to submit documentation.
All required documentation must be submitted within 90 days from the date listed on the mailed notice advising a support document is needed. Required documentation includes the most recent federal income tax form, check stubs, or other documentation to support that the applicant was working or self-employed when the disaster occurred. Documentation for the self-employed can be obtained from banks, government entities, or affidavits from individuals having knowledge of their business.
Workers who have already applied for DUA, but have not yet submitted their documentation will now have 90 days to submit their documentation instead of the 21 days initially provided. A courtesy reminder will be sent to these individuals, notifying them that the EDD has not received their documentation.
DUA is for workers—such as self-employed people—who are not eligible for regular unemployment benefits and lost their jobs or had hours reduced because of the disaster. Applications after the June 10 deadline may be accepted if the applicant has good cause to submit a late application.
The fastest and easiest way to apply for benefits is through myEDD, and then select UI Online, which is available in English, Spanish, Armenian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. When applying online, workers are encouraged to select direct deposit to have benefit payments automatically deposited into a personal bank account rather than by a mailed debit card or check.
Impacted workers should check the box on the application for unemployment benefits that asks if their unemployment is a direct result of a recent disaster.
DUA benefits apply to losses beginning the week of January 12, 2025. Eligible full-time workers can receive between $186 and $450 per week for up to 26 weeks. Part-time workers may also qualify for benefits. Eligible individuals who were unemployed as of January 12, 2025, can request to have their claim start on that date, even if they apply after January 12. The last payable week of this emergency benefit ends July 12, 2025.
EDD must first check if the applicant is eligible for regular unemployment benefits before processing the claim for DUA benefits. As part of this process, applicants may receive a letter indicating that they’re not eligible for regular unemployment while EDD works to process their DUA claim. All impacted workers should apply for benefits, and EDD will determine whether DUA or regular state unemployment applies.
EDD has dedicated phone lines available for workers affected by the firestorms who have questions about unemployment benefits or need help applying for DUA:
- English: 1-833-998-2284
- Spanish: 1-855-964-0634
- Other languages: 1-800-300-5616
Representatives are available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Pacific time), Monday through Friday, except on California state holidays.
EDD representatives are also available to help in person at Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) and at local America’s Job Center of California locations.
FEMA determined that people in Los Angeles County who lost work or self-employment as a direct result of the disaster can apply for federal DUA benefits. The DUA availability follows a presidential Major Disaster Declaration (FEMA-4856-DR) issued on January 8, 2025.
EDD administers the federal disaster-benefits program in California for the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration on behalf of FEMA.