Total and Partial Unemployment TPU 460.65 - Reason for Decision

Union Payment or Benefit

Enter Code Section shown below, issue WGS, and Reason for Decision TP460.65 with the appropriate letter.


A. Picket Duty - XE (Section 1252)

The ________________________ you received for performing picket duty is wages for the week(s) ending ____________________.

B. Picket Duty - Not XE (Section 1279)

The _______________________ you received for performing picket duty is wages for the week(s) ending __________________. Therefore, you are not entitled to full weekly benefits for the above week(s).


AA. Picket Duty - Not XE (Section 1279)

You state the claimant was paid for performing picket duty. This pay is wages for the week(s) ending _____________________________ and was less than the claimant’s weekly benefit amount. Therefore, the claimant is entitled to reduced benefits.

BB. Strike Benefits/Union Welfare Payments (Section 1252)

You state the claimant is receiving money from his/her union while unemployed. Available information indicates these payments are given solely for the purpose of rendering financial assistance to the claimant while he/she is out of work. Since the claimant is not required to perform services to receive these benefits, they are not considered wages for unemployment insurance purposes