Total and Partial Unemployment TPU 40 – Reason for Decision

Attendance at School or Training Course

Enter Code Section shown below, issue WGS, and Reason for Decision TP40 with the appropriate letter.


A. Tryout Employment - Working Full-Time (Section 1252)

You are participating in a program under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and are performing services in a tryout position. This is considered to be employment. You are working on a full-time basis and are therefore not eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits.

B. Tryout Employment - Earned Over $25 99 - Not XE (Section 1279)

You are participating in a program under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and are performing services in a tryout position. This is considered to be employment. The $________ you earned during the week(s) ending ________ for working in the tryout position are wages. Therefore, you are not entitled to full weekly benefits.

C. Tryout Employment - XE (Section 1252)

You are participating in a program under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and are performing services in a tryout position. This is considered to be employment. The $________ you earned during the week(s) ending ________ for working in the tryout position are wages.