Total and Partial Unemployment TPU 110 – Reason for Decision

Corporate or Union Officer

Enter Code Section shown below, issue WGS, and Reason for Decision TP110 with the appropriate letter.


A. Director/Corporate Officer - Earns XE (Section 1252)

You earned $________ as the director and/or an officer of (Corporation Name) during the week(s) ending ________.

B. Director/Corporate Officer - Full-Time Services - No Earnings or wages (Section 1252)

You worked (Number) hours as the director and/or an officer of (Corporation Name) during the week(s) ending ________. As your services for the corporation were performed on a full-time basis, you were not unemployed during the above week(s).

C. President/Director Of Corporation (Section 1252)

You are the president or director of (Corporation Name), which is not functioning at this time. After considering available information, the Department finds that since you must be prepared to resume your duties at any time, you are considered not unemployed.

D. Union Officer - Part-Time/Earns XE (Section 1252)

Your union officer pay of $________ is considered wages for the week(s) ________.

E. Union Officer - Services Performed Full-Time/No Earnings or Wages (Section 1252)

You worked (Number) hours performing your duties as a union officer during the week(s) ending ________. As you were performing services on a full-time basis, you were not unemployed during the above week(s).


AA. Inactive/Defunct Corporation - Not Fully Employed

You state the claimant may not be eligible for benefits because of his/her position as a corporation officer. Available information indicates that the corporation is totally inactive at this time, with no apparent possibility of becoming active in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the claimant is considered to be unemployed.

BB. Director/Corporate Officer - Not Fully Employed (Section 1279)

You state the claimant may not be eligible for benefits because he/she is the director and/or an officer of a corporation. Available information indicates that since the claimant has been performing these duties on a part-time basis, he/she is eligible for reduced benefits.

CC. Union Officer - Not Fully Employed (Section 1279)

You state the claimant may not be eligible for benefits because he/she is a union officer. Available information indicates that since the claimant has been performing these duties on a part-time basis, he/she is eligible for reduced benefits.

DD. Corporation President - Erratic Business - Not Fully Employed (Section 1252)

You state the claimant may not be eligible for benefits because he/she is the president of a corporation. Available information indicates that the corporation is inactive and the claimant is not performing any services. Therefore, he/she is considered to be unemployed.