Able and Available AA 90 - Fact Finding Guide
Conscientious Objection Based On Religious, Ethical, Moral or Philosophical Beliefs
If the claimant is restricting his/her availability to part-time work, it must first be determined whether the claimant meets the part-time work criteria under UI Code Section 1253.8 (refer to BDG AA5 for a complete discussion of the part-time work criteria).
- If the claimant meets the criteria to restrict to part-time work under UI Code Section 1253.8, no further investigation is necessary. The claimant would be approved for part-time work regardless of the reason why the claimant is restricting his/her availability.
- If the claimant does not meet the criteria to restrict to part-time work under UI Code Section 1253.8, then the claimant’s eligibility must be adjudicated under UI Code Section 1253 (c). Continue with the fact finding questions below.
Religious Beliefs
- Does the claimant claim a sincere religious belief or conviction?
- Is the claimant’s belief predicated upon religion?
- Does the claimant consistently follow the belief or conviction in his or her life?
- Since acquiring the belief or conviction, has the claimant worked under conditions now found by the claimant to be forbidden?
- What effect does the claimant’s restriction have upon his or her attachment to the labor market?
- (Jaffe cases) Was the claimant’s restriction due to a religious holiday, and were the working conditions imposed by the faith?
Ethical, Moral, or Philosophical Beliefs
- Does the claimant claim an ethical, moral, or philosophical belief?
- Is the claimant’s belief predicated upon religion?
- Does the claimant consistently follow the belief or conviction in his or her life?
- Since acquiring the belief or conviction, has the claimant worked under conditions now found by the claimant to be forbidden?
- What effect does the claimant’s restriction have upon his or her attachment to the labor market?