Able and Available AA 305 - Reason for Decision
Military Service
Enter Code Section 1253(c), issue AA, Reason for Decision AA305, with the appropriate letter.
A. Unwilling to Accept Temporary Work - Military Service Anticipated
You have placed limits on the work you are willing to accept because you expect to be called for military service. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.
AA. Willing to Accept Temporary Work While Military Service Pending
You state the claimant may not be available for work because of pending military service. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.
BB. Duty With Active Reserve or National Guard - Does Not Preclude Work
You state the claimant may not be available for work because of the time spent in attending drills with an active reserve unit or the National Guard. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.