Able and Available AA 235 - Reason for Decision
Health or Physical Condition
A. Benefit Reduction, Section 1253.5 - Unable to Work Portion of Week
(Enter Code Section 1253.5, issue BR, Reason for Decision AA235A).
You could not work for health reasons for ____________ days during week(s) ending ____________________.
(Enter Code Section 1253(c), issue AA, Reason for Decision AA235, with the appropriate letter.)
B. Unable to Work - Definite Period
You could not work for health reasons from __________________ to _________________.
C. Unable to Work - Indefinite Period
You cannot work for health reasons.
D. Unable to Work in Usual Occupation - Not Willing to do Other Work
You cannot work in your usual occupation for health reasons. You are not willing to accept other types of work. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.
E. Claimant’s Statement of Ability to Work Unsupported
You have been under a doctor’s care, unable to work, and have not been released by your physician to return to work. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.
F. Unable to Work - Legal Restriction
Your employment has been limited because you have a communicable disease. Under state or federal law you cannot work in your usual occupation. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.
G. Unable to Work - No Labor Market
You are unable to work in your usual occupation because of medical reasons. You are willing to accept other work for which you are qualified. However, there is no potential demand for your services in your current labor market. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.
AA. Benefit Reduction, Section 1253.5 - Unable to Work Portion of Week
(Enter Code Section 1253.5, issue BR, Reason for Decision AA235 AA)
You state the claimant was unable to work on _____________ because of health reasons. The Department finds that the condition was only for a portion of the week. Therefore, reduced benefits are payable for those days on which he/she was able and available for work.
BB. Question for Ability to Work
You state the claimant may not be able to work for health reasons. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.