Able and Available AA 195 - Reason for Decision

Type of Work

Enter Code Section 1253(c), issue AA, Reason for Decision AA195, with the appropriate letter.


A. Restricts to Work for Which Lacks Experience or Training

You will only take work for which you have limited experience or training. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.

B. Unwilling to Accept Work for Which Qualified

You are unwilling to accept employment for which you are qualified by experience and training. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.

C. Will Not Accept Work for Which Qualified

You have placed limits on the type of work you will accept although you are qualified for other types of employment. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.

D. Unable to Work in Usual Occupation

You are unable to work in your usual occupation. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.

E. Unwilling to Work in Usual Occupation

You are unwilling to work in your usual occupation. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.

F. Limited Prospects of Work in Usual Occupation

You have little prospect of finding employment in your usual occupation and will not accept other work for which you are qualified. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.

G. Withdrawal From Labor Market During Off-Season

You are unwilling to accept other work, for which you qualify, while waiting to be called back to your regular work. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.

H. Restrictions on Work During Off-Season

You have placed limits on the type of work you are willing to accept while waiting to be called back to your regular work. After considering available information, the Department finds that you do not meet the legal requirements for payment of benefits.


AA. Unable to Work in Usual Occupation

You state the claimant may not be available for work because of an inability to continue working in his/her customary occupation. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

BB. Limited Prospects of Work in Usual Occupation

You state the claimant may not be available for work because prospects of work in his/her usual occupation are limited. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

CC. Question of Unwillingness to Work in Usual Occupation

You state the claimant may not be available for work because you understand that the claimant is unwilling to accept work in his/her usual occupation. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

DD. Restriction to Particular Occupation

You state the claimant may not be available for work because he/she will accept work in only one occupation. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

EE. Restricting to Work for Which Trained

You state the claimant may not be available for work because he/she is only willing to accept work for which he/she was recently trained. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available to work.

FF. On Call Employee - Misses a Call

You state the claimant may not be available for work because you could not contact him/her on ____________ to communicate an offer of employment. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

GG. Restriction to Customary Work

You state the claimant may not be available for work because he/she will only accept employment in his/her customary occupation. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

HH. Unable to Work in Customary Occupation

You state the claimant may not be available for work because of inability to work in his/her customary occupation. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

II. Available for Work During Off-Season

You state the claimant may not be available for work during the off-season. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

JJ. Will Accept Temporary Work - Definite Date of Recall

You state the claimant may not be available for work while awaiting a recall by his/her former employer. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.

KK. Will Accept Temporary Work - Labor Market Exists

You state the claimant may not be available for work because he/she has agreed to begin work in the near future. After considering available information, the Department finds the claimant is able and available for work.