Misconduct MC 310 - Fact Finding Guide
Neglect of Duty
A. Duties Not Discharged
- When and what did the claimant neglect to do that resulted in the claimant's discharge?
- Did the claimant know what his or her duties were?
- What instructions or guidance did the claimant receive on the job?
- Was the claimant capable of performing the duties?
- Was there any witness to what the claimant neglected to do?
- What was the claimant's explanation for what he or she neglected to do?
- What effect did the claimant's neglect have on the employer's interests?
- Had the claimant on prior occasions done or neglected to do what resulted in his discharge?
- Had the claimant been warned or reprimanded before for similar neglect of duty?
NOTE: Prior warning or reprimand is not required for misconduct in case of gross negligence.
- Did the claimant attempt to conceal his or her neglect of duty?
- How did the claimant attempt to conceal his or her neglect?
- Could the employer have avoided injury had the claimant not attempted to conceal?
B. Sleeping on the Job
- Does the claimant admit to sleeping on the job? If not, was there any witness to the incident?
- Where was the claimant sleeping? Was this part of the claimant's regular work station?
- What was the claimant's physical position when the employer found him or her allegedly sleeping?
- How long was the claimant asleep? Was the claimant just dozing off?
- If the claimant admits to having fallen asleep, what explanation does he or she offer?
- If the claimant alleges illness for his or her sleeping on the job, did the claimant inform the employer of such illness?
- Is the illness substantiated?
NOTE: If the claimant has been under the care of a doctor, contact the doctor for specific information concerning symptoms and effect of any medication.
- If the claimant alleges tiredness for his or her sleeping on the job:
- Was it due to working a double shift or overtime or other reason?
- Did the claimant inform the employer that he or she was too tired to continue to work?
C. Temporary Cessation of Work
- When did the cessation of work occur?
- How long was the cessation of work?
- What were the claimant's duties that he or she should have performed during the cessation?
- Why did the claimant stop working, or leave work before quitting time? Is it a compelling reason?
- Did the claimant obtain prior authorization for ceasing work or leaving early?
- If the claimant did not obtain prior authorization, why not? Is it a compelling reason?
- What effect did the cessation of work have on the employer's interests?
- Had the claimant on prior occasions ceased work without authorization? If so, when were these prior occasions?
- Had the claimant ever been warned or reprimanded about the same or similar offenses? When? By whom?
D. Wasting Production Time
Refer to appropriate questions under A. above.