CERF Program Planning Phase Draft Guidelines – Public Comment Period
Workforce Services Information Notice
Issued: April 26, 2022
The Employment Development Department in collaboration with Labor and Workforce Development Agency, the Office of Planning and Research (OPR), and the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development is releasing the Community Economic Resilience Fund Program (CERF) Planning Phase Guidelines for another round of public comment through the CERF Planning Phase Draft Guidelines Regional Workshops. This information notice includes the CERF Planning Phase Draft Guidelines and the CERF Planning Phase Draft Guidelines Public Workshop registration links.
The CERF team will host a total of four regional workshops throughout April and May. The workshops will explain the guidelines and updates since the last round of public comment, provide a space to collect feedback, and include an opportunity to network with interested entities in the respective CERF region. The regional grouping for the workshops’ networking component are only for the purpose of facilitating relationship building, and have no other implications for the program. Only workshop attendees will have the opportunity to submit comments. All public comments received during the workshops will be considered.
For additional information or questions, please contact us at WSBCERF@edd.ca.gov
Central Office Workforce Services Division