Social Media Toolkit
Social Media Post #1
Recommended alt text: Smiling farmworker holding a bucket of grapes in a vineyard and text honoring farmworkers on Cesar Chavez Day. |
🌾 In honor of Cesar Chavez Day, celebrate those who work in agriculture. Help @CaliforniaEDD to spread the word about farmworker resources. 🚜 Farmworkers: Did you know we offer employment resources just for you on CalJOBS? On CalJOBS you can find farmworker job postings, training services, links to other programs, assistance, and benefits! 👉 Browse Farmworker Services: CalJOBS.ca.gov |
Instagram Social Media Post #1 Recommended alt text: Smiling farmworker holding a bucket of grapes in a vineyard and text honoring farmworkers on Cesar Chavez Day. |
🌾 In honor of Cesar Chavez Day, celebrate those who work in agriculture. Help @CA_EDD to spread the word about farmworker resources. 🚜 Farmworkers: Did you know we offer employment resources just for you on CalJOBS? On CalJOBS you can find farmworker job postings, training services, links to other programs, assistance, and benefits! 👉 Browse Farmworker Services at CalJOBS.ca.gov. |
Recommended alt text: Smiling farmworker holding a bucket of grapes in a vineyard and text honoring farmworkers on Cesar Chavez Day. |
🌾 In honor of Cesar Chavez Day, celebrate those who work in agriculture. Help @Employment Development Department to spread the word about farmworker resources. 🚜 Farmworkers: Did you know we offer employment resources just for you on CalJOBS? On CalJOBS you can find farmworker job postings, training services, links to other programs, assistance, and benefits! 👉 Browse Farmworker Services: CalJOBS.ca.gov |
X (Twitter) Social Media Post #1 Recommended alt text: Smiling farmworker holding a bucket of grapes in a vineyard and text honoring farmworkers on Cesar Chavez Day. |
🚜 Farmworkers: Did you know we offer employment resources just for you on CalJOBS? On CalJOBS you can find farmworker job postings, training services, links to other programs, assistance, and benefits! 👉 Browse Farmworker Services: CalJOBS.ca.gov |
Social Media Post #2
Recommended alt text: Collage of proud and smiling farmworkers, a farmhouse, and text about EDD’s outreach to 97,000 farmworkers in 2022. |
🌾 In 2022, @CaliforniaEDD outreach workers connected with more than 97,000 farmworkers to inform them of their labor rights, health and safety laws, and benefit programs. 👉 Find out more about the EDD’s Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Outreach Program at: edd.ca.gov/Farmworkers #Agriculture #AgriBusiness #Farming |
Instagram Social Media Post #2 Recommended alt text: Collage of proud and smiling farmworkers, a farmhouse, and text about EDD’s outreach to 97,000 farmworkers in 2022. |
🌾 In 2022, @CA_EDD outreach workers connected with more than 97,000 farmworkers to inform them of their labor rights, health and safety laws, and benefit programs. 👉 Find out more about the EDD’s Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Outreach Program at: edd.ca.gov/Farmworkers #Agriculture #AgriBusiness #Farming |
X (Twitter) Social Media Post #2 Recommended alt text: Collage of proud and smiling farmworkers, a farmhouse, and text about EDD’s outreach to 97,000 farmworkers in 2022. |
🌾 In 2022, @CA_EDD outreach workers connected with more than 97,000 farmworkers. 👉 Find out more about the EDD’s Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Outreach Program at: edd.ca.gov/Farmworkers #Farming #CesarChavez #FarmWorkers |
Recommended alt text: Collage of proud and smiling farmworkers, a farmhouse, and text about EDD’s outreach to 97,000 farmworkers in 2022. |
🌾 In 2022, @Employment Development Department outreach workers connected with more than 97,000 farmworkers to inform them of their labor rights, health and safety laws, and benefit programs. 👉 Find out more about the EDD’s Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Outreach Program at: edd.ca.gov/Farmworkers #Agriculture #AgriBusiness #Farming |