Part-time/Intermittent/Reduced Work Schedule

If you are working part-time, intermittent, reduced hours, or receiving reduced wages, you may still qualify for Disability Insurance (DI) or Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits. We suggest you apply for benefits and we will determine if you are eligible.

  • Part-time or reduced hours – working less (hour or days) than your normal weekly schedule which results in a wage loss.
  • Intermittent – periodic breaks (days, weeks, or months) from your normal weekly schedule which result in a wage loss.
  • Reduced – receiving a reduced weekly salary for any reason (e.g., working hours for only one of your two normal employers) which results in a wage loss.

To qualify for DI and PFL, you need to:

You can apply for DI or PFL benefits using SDI Online. To apply by paper form, visit How to File a DI Claim by Mail or How to File a PFL Claim by Mail.

If you are working part-time and receiving SDI benefits, which when combined is still less than your regular salary, you can integrate the difference with available leave credits. Visit Integration of Benefits for more information.

Part-Time and Intermittent Work Schedules

You may be eligible for DI or PFL benefits if you:

  • Worked part-time or intermittently, are now unable to perform your regular or customary work, and have a wage loss due to your disability or need for family care leave.
  • Returned to work part-time or intermittently because you are unable to perform your regular or customary work, and have a continued wage loss due to your disability or family care.

We will look at what you earned on a weekly basis before your claim began, then subtract what you are currently earning working part-time or intermittently. The difference between the two is your wage loss, meaning the amount you are losing by working part-time or intermittently. If your wage loss is more than your weekly benefit amount, you will receive full DI or PFL benefits. If the wage loss is less than your weekly benefit amount, you will only receive the amount of your wage loss.

Reduced Hours

You may be eligible to receive DI or PFL benefits if:

  • You work reduced hours as the result of a disability or family care, and
  • You have a wage loss because you can’t perform your regular or customary work.

Reduced Wages

Depending on the amount of the wage loss, you may be eligible for reduced or full DI or PFL benefits if:

  • You have a wage loss because you can’t perform your regular or customary work, and
  • You are placed in a position that pays less than your regular position.

Regístrese en myEDD

Crear una cuenta es un paso importante en este proceso. Con myEDD usted puede solicitar beneficios del Seguro de Incapacidad (DI, por sus siglas en inglés) y administrar su solicitud en SDI Online.

Recursos adicionales