Miscellaneous MI 65 - Fact Finding Guide
School Employee Claims
Base Period Wages
- Did the claimant work for a public elementary, or secondary school or university?
- Did the claimant work for a private, nonprofit school or organization?
- Is the employer a Charter School?
- Is the employer a Church Sponsored school?
- Did the claimant work for a public government entity performing services at a school?
- Did the claimant work for a private, nonprofit organization providing educational services to a school?
- If claimant is employed by public entity or private, nonprofit organization supporting educational activities, what percentage of his or her time is spent working to support educational activities?
- Is this a Head Start program?
- Is the Head Start program operated by a private, nonprofit organization?
- Is it operated or under the control of the school board?
- Do the Head Start employees have the same employment rights as the employees of the school district?
- Is the Head Start program operated on the public school grounds?
- Is the employer a preschool?
- Does the preschool have an academic curriculum?
- Do the preschool teachers have teaching certificates?
- Is the facility licensed as a childcare facility or a school?
- Do the students receive academic credits?
- Does the facility maintain a regular, organized body of students?
- Is the employer a Migrant Child Development Program? (If yes, see questions above under Head Start.)
- Were the wages earned in a public school or private nonprofit school or school supportive employer in another state?
- Is the employer a for-profit school employer?
- Is the employer a military dependent’s school or a school operated by the federal government under the Bureau of Indian Affairs?
- Is the claimant a student at the same school where the claimant is working?
- Is the claimant’s spouse a student at the school where the claimant is working? Is the job part of the spouse’s financial assistance package to attend there?
- Is the claimant working for the employer as part of a work-study program?
Attachment to a School Employer
- Is the claimant expecting to return to work for the claimant’s most recent school or school supportive employer?
- Is the claimant expecting to return to work for any of the base period school or school supportive employers?
- Is the claimant expecting to work for any school or school supportive employer in the next year or term?
School Recess Period
- Is the claim filed during a recess, vacation or holiday period or paid sabbatical? (If no, there is no issue under CUIC Section 1253.3)
- What are the beginning and ending dates of the recess period?
- Is the recess a traditional academic year summer recess, holiday or vacation period?
- Is the recess period an off-track period for a year-round school?
- If the claimant works for more than one school or school supportive employer, are all of the employers in a recess period? If no, does the claimant have work with the employer(s) who is not in a recess period?
- Has the school or school supportive employer offered work to the claimant during the recess period? If yes, what are the beginning and ending dates of that work?
- What is the claimant’s job title, and what type of work does the claimant do?
- Does the claimant have a contract that specifies what years or terms the claimant will work?
- Has there been a reduction in the contract work?
- Has the claimant completed the work as agreed to in the contract, or has the term of the contract ended?
Reasonable Assurance
- Has the claimant been notified by a school or school supportive employer that the claimant has reasonable assurance to return to work for a school or school supportive employer at the end of the recess period or paid sabbatical?
- How was the claimant notified?
- What is the return to work date?
- What date was the offer made, either verbally or in writing?
- Is the work that the employer offered in the same or similar capacity? If not, what has changed? Are the job duties different? Is the type of employer different? Is there a 20 percent reduction in wages or hours?
- Did the person who offered the work have the authority to do so?
- Is the offer of work contingent on enrollment, funding or program changes?
- Is the claimant a temporary employee?
- Is the claimant a substitute employee?
- If there are multiple school employers in the base period, have any of them offered the claimant work for the next term?
- If the claimant was offered reasonable assurance to return to work, but did not return to work, what is the reason?
Retroactive Payment of Benefits
- When was the claimant notified that the offer of reasonable assurance was withdrawn?
- What type of work does the claimant do? (If the claimant is a professional school or school supportive employee, retroactive benefits can not be paid.)
- How was the claimant notified of the withdrawal of the reasonable assurance, and by whom? Did that person have the authority to withdraw the offer of work?
- If the claimant is a substitute employee, did the claimant work during the first 30 days of the new academic year? Why not?
- If the claimant was untimely in requesting retroactive payment of benefits, or in submitting claim forms, what was the reason for being untimely?