
Mejores empleos, mejores comunidades

El EDD ofrece recursos valiosos y sin costo a las personas que buscan empleo y a los empleadores, incluyendo el acceso a datos de la fuerza laboral a nivel estatal y regional para ayudarlos en su desarrollo profesional y empresarial.

El sistema de desarrollo de la fuerza laboral del estado y el EDD están para ayudar a las personas que buscan empleo a encontrar una profesión útil y asistir a los empleadores a encontrar y contratar trabajadores calificados. Para más información, visite Los empleos con mayor demanda para conocer las cinco profesiones de mayor demanda (con diferentes niveles de habilidad) en cada una de las 15 regiones económicas de California.

California Jobs Market Briefing

Each year, we release the California Jobs Market Briefing (PDF). This briefing shows important labor market trends and current statistics relating to the state’s economy.

Success Stories

Learn how the EDD and workforce development system has helped Californians:

Resources for Job Seekers

  • America's Job Center of California (AJCC)
    • Find educational and job training opportunities that lead to new career pathways.
    • Get job search, career coaching, and resume and placement assistance.
    • Use resource rooms with internet, telephones, and fax machines.
    • Get referrals to support services including childcare, utility, housing, and transportation.
  • CalJOBS
    • Search and apply for jobs.
    • Create resumes and cover letters for specific jobs or career paths.
    • Research employers and learn about the job market.
    • Setup alerts for job openings.
  • Job Fairs and Workshops
    • Search for jobs, make connections, and build your interview skills.

Resources for Employers

In-Demand Occupations

We have compiled the top five occupations of varying skill levels for each of California’s 15 economic regions, according to projected job openings from 2020-2030.

  • Entry-level occupations require a high school diploma or equivalent or less.
  • Middle-skill occupations require more education or training than a high school diploma but not necessarily a four-year college degree.
  • High-skill occupations require a four-year college degree.

The state’s workforce development system can help you with your job search, training, creating a resume, and more.


Spread the Word

Social Media Toolkit

Want to share on social media? Use our social media toolkit to share information about the top occupations in California.

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The Significance of Employer Participation in the OEWS Survey

The EDD’s Labor Market Information Division (LMID) gathers occupational employment and wage data directly from employers through the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) Survey. The OEWS program generates data for over 800 occupations based on industry and geographical area.

Employment and wage data gathered from the OEWS Survey helps employers, job seekers, policy makers, and educators make informed decisions:

  • Employers use employment data to negotiate salaries, predict future skill requirements, and maintain a competitive advantage within their local communities.
  • Job seekers use employment data to help choose the right education, training, and skills needed for in-demand jobs.
  • Economic developers use wage data to attract and retain businesses.
  • Educators and trainers use employment data to adapt curricula to better equip students with the skills demanded by employers.

Upon receiving the OEWS survey from EDD-LMID, we kindly request your participation. For any questions or more information about this program, contact the LMID at 1-800-826-4896 or

To access occupational employment and wage data from the OEWS survey, visit Labor Market Information. Use the LMI by Subject category and select Occupations or Wages.

Select a region to see the current number of advertisements in these occupations.

Bay-Peninsula Region

Capital Region

East Bay Region

Inland Empire Region

Los Angeles Basin Region

Middle Sierra Region

North Bay Region

North Central Region

North Coast County Region

North State Region

Orange Region

San Joaquin Region

South Central Coast Region

Southern Border Region

Ventura Region


Labor Day Briefing

Each year, we release A Labor Day Briefing for California (PDF). This briefing shows important labor market trends and current statistics relating to the state’s economy today.

Resources for Employers

Are you looking for skilled workers? Interested in saving money on training costs? Need help recruiting talent or finding tax credits and incentives? Visit Employer Information for no-cost resources to help your business succeed.

Resources for Job Seekers

Do you need job search assistance? Want to attend training to learn a new skill? Are you a veteran looking to return to work? Visit Job Seeker Information for no-cost resources to help you develop your skills and find a job.