Step 3: Register in CalJOBS


After you apply for benefits, we’ll mail you some important documents in about two weeks.

While you’re waiting for this mail, please post your resume in CalJOBS. You have 21 days from the date on your Notice of Requirement to Register for Work (DE 8405) to do so, but there’s no reason to wait. We will let you know if you don’t have to complete this step.

If you fail to post your resume in CalJOBS (or update an existing CalJOBS resume), your benefit payments might stop.

If you need help, watch How to Register for CalJOBS and Post a Résumé (YouTube).

New CalJOBS Users

We started your registration for you. We created your username and password using parts of your name, Social Security number, and birthdate.

Your username is your:

  • Full last name
  • First initial of your first name
  • Last four digits of your Social Security number (SSN)

Your password is the:

  • Two-digit day you were born
  • Two-digit month you were born
  • Last four digits of your SSN


Someone with the name Jane Smith, born on July 4, and last four digits of the SSN 1234, would have the username and password shown below.

Username: smithj1234
Password: 04071234