
Preguntas frecuentes para subreceptores de subsidios

Recursos de CalJOBS para proyectos especiales

You’ll find system information and training modules on how to use CalJOBS, under Staff Online Resources (log in required). This section of CalJOBS will help guide you through the most common questions and issues on how to use the system.

No. Each participant must have a completed Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I application as well as a Wagner-Peyser Act (WPA) Title 3 application. Once the WIOA and WPA applications have been created, staff can begin adding activities directly to the participant’s record.

The grant code for your project may not be displaying when you are enrolling participants into CalJOBS because:

  • Your organization has not been properly added to the grant code.
  • The application has been filled out incorrectly, making the participant ineligible for the specific grant

Review the entire application to make sure you have filled out all required fields correctly. If the correct grant code is still not displaying, contact your EDD Project Management Team.

All participant data should be entered no later than the week services are provided. This will allow for any issues to be corrected before the 30-day lockdown rule (CalJOBS Participant Reporting Workforce Services Directive 20-10).

No. Our CalJOBS Operations Unit (Help Desk) makes sure both grant codes are associated with users for your organization. Your staff must choose the correct grant code to make sure the participant is enrolled under the correct grant.

Disability Employment Accelerator (DEA)

The WIOA places a strong focus on “earn-and-learn” activities in career pathways. For the purposes of the DEA initiative, we define “earn and learn” as paid work experience, paid internships, transitional jobs, pre- and registered apprenticeships, and on-the-job training. Under DEA funding, projects must provide these types of training to people with disabilities. Funding can still be used for Vocational Certificate programs.

No. It is not mandatory for the DRC to be full time. The broad scope and amount of work required of the position may make it necessary, however.

The DRC’s duties usually include:

  • Being a subject matter expert on disability-related resources.
  • Coordinating or providing staff training.
  • Developing and implementing outreach activities.
  • Holding meetings with the Local Area, businesses, and/or other community organizations
  • Attending quarterly DEA initiative meetings.

The expectation is that "earn-and-learn" strategies take priority; however vocational training certificate programs and direct placement into employment are also acceptable services.

Yes. Assistive and adaptive technology purchases are an allowable cost; however, DEA participants must explain the need for and benefit of this technology in the initial project proposal and supporting forms. You must also follow the DEA funding procurement guidelines per the SFP for these types of purchases.

National Dislocated Worker Grants (NDWG)

You must electronically submit a Title I Data Change Request Form (DCR) to the Workforce Services Branch’s Program Reporting and Analysis Unit (PRAU) to request a change or correction to data entered into CalJOBS. After receiving the completed form, PRAU staff will review the request and the overall effect of the proposed change, especially with respect to current performance outcomes. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on the detailed reasons and the supporting documentation submitted. For more information, review WSD 18-02 Data Change Request Form Procedure (PDF).

In general, anyone receiving an NDWG cannot use more than 10 percent of the grant amount to pay administrative costs associated with the project.

The Employment and Training Administration has determined that the period of reimbursement for OJT is limited to six months to maximize opportunity for the many dislocated workers. Refer to ETA's Training and Employment Guidance Letter 04-10.

The Code of Federal Regulations, 20CFR633.700 (c), states:

An OJT contract must be limited to the period of time required for a participant to become proficient in the occupation for which the training is being provided. In determining the appropriate length of the contract, consideration should be given to the skill requirements of the occupation, the academic and occupational skill level of the participant, prior work experience and the participants individual employment plan.

The maximum duration for disaster relief employment is 12 months or 2,080 hours under the WIOA outlined in the Training and Employment Guidance Letter 2-15.

Veterans’ Employment-Related Assistance Program (VEAP)

No. Veterans who are on “terminal leave” are not eligible to participate in VEAP projects. These veterans on terminal leave can qualify for other WIOA formula funding. Learn more at your local America’s Job Center of California.

Access will be provided to the staff members listed on the subrecipient’s CalJOBS System Access Form. Local Workforce Development Areas’ (Local Areas), Management Information Systems Administrator has the authority to grant CalJOBS access to other entities as needed. Other Non-Local Areas need to contact your Project Management Team at for directions.

No. There are no co-enrollment requirements for this grant. Refer to the co-enrollment criteria outlined in the original Solicitation for Proposal for your project.

Your grant code, used to report expenditures, request cash, and enroll participants, is included in the welcome email from your Project Management Team. More information will be included during the scheduled CalJOBS training sessions designed for your project.

The timeline you created for your project in your proposal dictates whether you have a planning period at the beginning of your project. Even though you may be in the planning period, you still have ten percent of your total awarded funding available starting the first day of the project until the full subgrant agreement is approved and executed.

If you have never computed an ICR or negotiated an ICR with the DOL, mark No on your Project’s Exhibit F to state that you do not have an ICR. The De Minimis rate is a 10 percent Modified Total Direct Costs rate. Refer to the WSD 18-15 Indirect Cost Rates for information on ICRs and De Minimis rates.

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CalJOBS is the State of California’s online job search system. Create an account, log in and find a variety of online services offered for both employers and job seekers.

Additional Resources

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