Job Accommodation Network Resources

Workforce Services Information Notice

Issued: October 5, 2020

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, and provides free, expert and confidential guidance on workplace accommodation and disability employment issues within the workplace. The JAN is available for public use and is recommended for America's Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC) staff, workforce partners, job seekers, and employers interested in discovering free and low cost accommodations, tools, and resources.

JAN Resources for Staff

Accommodations may be required for customers with disabilities seeking to access AJCCs.

The JAN provides quarterly newsletters, online trainings, live webcasts and a multimedia training microsite that includes articles, tools, and trainings on various topics related to employment and people with disabilities.

JAN Resources for Job Seekers

Individuals visiting the JAN have access to the website’s blog and listings of accommodations by disability, topic, and limitation. This information will assist employers and individuals in determining effective accommodations, in order to comply with Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

JAN Resources for Employers

For Employers, the JAN offers guidance on some of the most frequent issues that employers have regarding accommodation and ADA compliance. The JAN also provides a free online workplace accommodation toolkit with the tools needed to create a more disability-inclusive and compliant workplace.

AJCC staff are encouraged to promote the JAN and to utilize it as a tool when working with individuals and employers seeking guidance on accommodation.

For more information, visit the Job Accommodation Network website.

Central Office Workforce Services Division