
Información sobre eventos de alcance público

La sección titulada en inglés Outreach Development Section brinda información al público acerca del programa del Seguro Estatal de Incapacidad (SDI). Si le interesa conocer más acerca del Seguro de Incapacidad (DI) y el Permiso Familiar Pagado (PFL), puede encontrar información acerca de nuestras presentaciones, eventos y materiales de alcance público a continuación.

Presentaciones y eventos web interactivos

Ofrecemos presentaciones en vivo e interactivas, con llamada de conferencia para que pueda hacer preguntas en tiempo real. Estas presentaciones están abiertas al público y cada una se centra en las necesidades de información de los solicitantes, empleadores, médicos/profesionales médicos o de apoyo militar.

Para más información, o si usted o su personal desean participar en una presentación, envíe un correo electrónico a la sección titulada en inglés Outreach Development Section. Este correo es solamente para solicitar eventos o información de alcance comunitario. Nuestro personal no puede acceder al sistema para presentar solicitudes ni responder preguntas sobre detalles específicos y personales de su solicitud. Incluya la siguiente información en su correspondencia:

Incluya la siguiente información en su correo:

  • Su nombre y el nombre de su negocio u organización
  • Tipo de negocio (si es el caso)
  • Persona de contacto (si es el caso)
  • Número de teléfono del contacto
  • Mejor hora para comunicarnos con usted
  • Tipo de presentación (solicitante, empleador, médico/profesional médico o de apoyo militar)
  • Fecha y hora preferida para una presentación
  • Número estimado de participantes
  • Cualquier información o preguntas específicas que a usted o a su grupo le interese
  • ¿Cómo se enteró del webinario del Seguro Estatal de Incapacidad?

On the second Wednesday of every month from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific time we present a live, interactive claimant, employer, physician/practitioner, or military assist webinar providing a broad overview of the SDI program. The topic each month is determined on a first come/first serve basis. For more information, email the Outreach Development Section.

Scheduled on request. This live, interactive webinar provides a broad overview of how the SDI program works from the perspective of claimants who need to file for SDI. It covers DI and PFL benefits, eligibility, SDI versus job protection, and the claim filing process.

If you are unable to attend a webinar presentation during normal business hours, or need more information, such as how to complete a DI or PFL claim form, you can view our Informational Tutorials and Videos page for self-help options.

Scheduled on request. This live, interactive webinar provides a broad overview of how the SDI program works from the perspective of employers. It covers DI and PFL benefits, eligibility, employer responsibilities, and the claim filing process.

If you are unable to attend a webinar presentation during normal business hours, or need more information, such as how to register your company for SDI Online, you can view our Informational Tutorials and Videos page for self-help options.

Scheduled on request. This live, interactive webinar provides a broad overview of how the SDI program works from the perspective of physicians and practitioners. It covers DI and PFL benefits, the physician/practitioner online registration process, COVID 19 information and resources, and the claim filing process.

If you are unable to attend a webinar presentation during normal business hours, or need more information, such as how to complete a DI or PFL claim form, you can view our Informational Tutorials and Videos page for self-help options.

Scheduled on request. This live, interactive webinar provides a broad overview of how the SDI program works from the perspective of claimants who need time off work to participate in a qualifying event because of a family member’s military deployment to a foreign country. It covers the basics of DI and PFL with a focus on military assist benefits including eligibility and the claim filing process.

If you are unable to attend a webinar presentation during normal business hours, or need more information, such as how to complete a PFL military assist claim form, you can view our Informational Tutorials and Videos page for self-help options.

If you would like a member of our team to provide an in-person presentation to your group, email the Outreach Development Section.

Include the following information in your correspondence:

  • Name of your company or organization.
  • Type of business.
  • Contact person.
  • Contact phone number.
  • The best time to contact you.
  • Type of presentation (claimant, employer, physician/practitioner, or military assist).
  • Preferred date and time for a presentation.
  • Estimated number of attendees.
  • Location of the presentation (street address including ZIP code).
  • Any specific State Disability Insurance information your group is interested in.
  • How did you hear about the State Disability Insurance webinar?

Additional Resources

Help us spread the word about our webinars! These flyers are available to download and share.

SDI Forms and Publications

Register for myEDD

Creating an account is an important step in this process. With myEDD, you can apply for Disability Insurance and manage your claim in SDI Online.

Additional Resources

Can’t find what you are looking for? View these DI and PFL resources for more information.