
Solicitudes de terceros

Las solicitudes de terceros (TPR, por sus siglas en inglés) son solicitudes de información confidencial sobre una persona (que no sea usted) o una unidad de empleo, cuando usted, como solicitante, tiene la autoridad para recibir esta información.

Ejemplos de una TPR común:

  • Una verificación de las autoridades de vivienda
  • Una investigación de antecedentes para el empleo policial
  • Una solicitud de una agencia de orden público que no hace referencia a una orden de registro o citatorio
  • Universidades o colegios que buscan datos agregados para la investigación

Solicitudes de datos que no son una TPR:

Solicitud de datos personales Acceda a sus registros personales del EDD sin costo.

  Tres opciones:

Consultas de los medios Vea los comunicados de prensa del EDD, envíe una consulta de parte de los medios o inscríbase a nuestra lista de distribución de comunicados de prensa. Información del EDD para los medios de comunicación
Solicitudes de registros públicos La Ley de Registros Públicos de California permite la inspección o divulgación de registros gubernamentales al público con previa solicitud, a menos que esté exento por ley. Solicitudes de registros públicos del EDD
Solicitudes de citación y orden de registro Oficina Jurídica del EDD
1-916-654-8410 o
722 Capitol Mall, MIC 53 Sacramento, CA 95814
Datos estadísticos Vea datos y estadísticas a los que se accede con frecuencia sobre varios programas de EDD. Resumen rápido de estadísticas del EDD

Proceso de TPR

Las solicitudes de terceros requieren un Acuerdo de intercambio de datos (DSA) para cubrir los costos asociados con las divulgaciones y garantizar que existan disposiciones de confidencialidad (Título 20 del Código de Reglamentos Federales, Parte 603) (en inglés). El DSA establecerá los términos y condiciones para la divulgación y el uso de información confidencial del EDD.

Si no tiene autoridad legal para su solicitud (contenida en el Código del Seguro de Desempleo), debe presentar una autorización válida para la divulgación de registros (DE 5600) (PDF). Se le dará acceso y capacitación específicos al DSA para facilitar las solicitudes.

The EDD requires a completed EDD Data Disclosure Questionnaire (DE 667) (.DOC) to evaluate all data requests requiring a new DSA. Refer to the DE 668 (PDF) for instructions on how to complete the form. 

An example of information required by EDD Data Questionnaire includes (but is not limited to):

  • A precise description of the information you need.
  • A description of how you intend to use this information.
  • The laws, rules, regulations or statutory authority that permit you to use EDD confidential information.
  • The frequency and number of the requests that will be submitted to us (quarterly, monthly, daily, etc.).
  • The desired length of the contract. Contracts can last one to three years (five years for interagency contracts). To minimize the administrative costs of contracting, we encourage longer period contracts.
  • The name, title, address, email, and phone number for the requesting agency's contact person.

Please do not include any social security numbers or other confidential data when completing your Data Disclosure Questionnaire.

There are several types of automated reports available through our EDD Abstract (ABS) solution. Below is a list of the types of information that can be provided:

  • Wage Abstract: Contains five quarters of earnings by social security account number (SSN), as reported by “current” base period employers, which is approximately five months in arrears. 
  • Employer Address: Contains employer name and address of the employer(s) shown in the last quarter on the Wage and Claim abstract.
  • Client Address: Contains the client's [i.e., Unemployment Insurance (UI) or Disability Insurance (DI) claimant] address information.
  • Current UI Claim and Payment History: up to 2 years old
  • Current DI Claim and Payment History: up to 2 years old
  • Archive UI Claim and Payment History: 2 to 4 years old
  • Archive DI Claim and Payment History: 2 to 4 years old
  • Archive UI Claim and Payment History: over 4 years old
  • Archive DI Claim and Payment History: over 4 years old
  • Archive Wage Abstract: over 5 quarters old up to 27 quarters old

Customized reports are available upon request and subject to approval and additional charges.

EDD is mandated by Title 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations 603.8 (c) to have all costs for Data Sharing Agreements charged to and paid for by the data recipient.

All EDD DSA, utilizing the automated ABS solution, will contain the following costs as of January 1, 2023, and are subject to change:

  • $1,500 Administrative Fee
  • $36.00 per quarter per account for Secure Automated File Exchange (SAFE) Account Fee
  • $0.00121 per SSN per product charge based 

Charges for customized solutions and reports will be based on actual costs for the creation, and production, of the customized reports based on staff time and salaries. Costs will be computed in accordance with Section 9210 and 9211 of the State Administrative Manual

How to Submit Your Request for a DSA

Once you complete the required information, submit your data disclosure questionnaire via one of the following options:

Email (preferred for faster processing)

EDD Disclosure Unit at


Attention: EDD Cybersecurity Division/Disclosure
PO Box 826880, MIC 33
Sacramento, CA 94280-0001

After we receive your request, the Disclosure Unit will review and contact you via email (email address must be provided). To check on the status of your request, contact us at

Common Reasons for Denial

EDD may deny your request for a DSA, or your individual data requests under an existing DSA. Common reasons for denial include, but are not limited to:

  • No statutory authority to receive data (Unemployment Insurance Code)
  • Incomplete request for data (see DSA Criteria)
  • Outstanding unpaid obligations from previous or current DSA
  • Requesting data not covered by contract
  • DSA has expired or has not been executed
  • Not obtaining Authorization for Release of Records (DE 5600)
  • Authorization for Release of Records is not complete or does not include appropriate signatures