

El EDD celebra a los papás este Día del Padre, resaltando el programa del Permiso Familiar Pagado de California


NR No. 24-22
Contacto: Loree Levy/Greg Lawson

Lo que necesita saber: A la vez que celebramos a los papás este Día del Padre, el Departamento del Desarrollo del Empleo le recuerda a los californianos sobre el valioso apoyo financiero que pueden recibir por medio del programa del Permiso Familiar Pagado del estado, el primero de su tipo. Cuando los padres se toman el tan necesitado tiempo para crear vínculos afectivos con sus hijos o para cuidar a sus seres queridos, este programa está disponible para aminorar la carga económica. Se anima a los trabajadores a visitar  20 años apoyando a los padres en California para conseguir más información. También hay un testimonio en video donde un padre describe lo valioso que fue el Permiso Familiar Pagado para su familia en el nacimiento de su hija. 

SACRAMENTO – Este Día del Padre, el Departamento del Desarrollo del Empleo (EDD) celebra a los papás y figuras paternas en todo California destacando el programa estatal del Permiso Familiar Pagado (PFL). Este programa innovador inició hace casi 20 años y permite que las personas que cumplen con los requisitos reciban pagos de beneficios por hasta ocho semanas para crear vínculos afectivos con un bebé o niño en adopción o bajo crianza temporal, cuidar a un familiar enfermo o asistir a un familiar militar mientras sirve a nuestro pais. 


EDD’s first-of-its-kind PFL program is celebrating its 20th year anniversary on July 1, 2024. Since its launch, thirteen other states, including the District of Columbia, have adopted similar PFL laws.

This monumental program has paid over $16 billion in benefits to workers on more than 4.6 million claims over the last 20 years. These benefits have helped cover the loss of wages when workers take time away from work for important family matters.

PFL benefits are most-commonly used by parents when bonding with a new child. Since its inception in 2004, male bonding claims have increased more than 12 times from 9,886 to 123,740 claims in 2023. In 2004, men only made up 15% of total bonding claims. Now, 20 years later, men account for 45% of bonding use compared to 55% of women. PFL claims have also grown for people caring for a seriously ill family member, and eligibility has expanded to include supporting family members during a military deployment to a foreign country.

Benefits can provide the financial support families need at critical times, including after the birth of a daughter that this father describes in this video.


California’s Paid Family Leave Program at a Glance:

  • Workers covered by the program pay for benefits through a deduction noted as “CASDI” on their paystubs.
  • PFL benefits can be used all at once or be spit up over a 12-month period.
  • Fathers can take advantage of PFL benefits for bonding with a newly born, adopted, or foster child.
  • Mothers can also receive as many as four weeks of disability benefits for a normal pregnancy before their expected due date, and then transition to PFL benefits for bonding time. 
  • Paid family leave can also be used to care for a seriously ill family member or to support a family member’s military deployment.
  • EDD offers an online calculator to help workers estimate their potential benefit amount.

This Father’s Day, EDD encourages fathers to take advantage of this essential benefit program. Please visit